Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

tation for the Commission VII flagship session in Am- 
The UNISPACE Ill Conference and Exhibition was held 
in Vienna in July 1999. The Earth Observation session by 
was actively attended in WG VII/2 Chair Dasika.P. Rao, 
WG VII/2 Co-chair Vernon Singhroy, the TCP and both 
Commission Secretaries (Peter Winkler and Frank 
Hegyi). In Vienna, lecturers were selected and invited for 
the ISPRS Congress session TC VII-1 devoted to the 
event's topics: “Geo-information for All”. The person- 
alised invitation was accepted by Prof. Gottfried 
Konecny, He Changchui of FAO, Gabor Csornai of FOMI 
RSC and D.P. Rao of NRSA. 
ISPRS Council and Technical Commission Presidents’ 
In September 1999, G. Remetey-Fülópp attended the 
ISPRS Council and TCPs joint meeting held in 
Enschede and Delft, having also the opportunity to 
make a site inspection of the RAI in Amsterdam, venue 
of the Congress. 
The International Symposium on Spectral Sensing 
Research (ISSSR) was for a second time organised by 
the US Army Topographic Engineering Center's 
GIS/Remote Sensing Center in co-operation with 
ISPRS Working Group VII/1, with the personal active 
involvement of Chair Karl Staenz. TEC Director Dr. 
William E. Roper and ISPRS Commission VII President 
G. Remetey-Fülópp opened the event in the Tropicana 
Hotel of Las Vegas, on November 1, 1999. Jan Clevers, 
Secretary of WG VII/1 and liasion officer of the ISPRS 
Congress to Commisssion VII, as well as Prof. James 
Taranik Co-chair of WG VII/7, took part in the event 
having the motto “Systems and sensors for the New 
Millennium". The Symposium was attended in by 117 
experts of 11 countries. The 27 exhibited posters 
included two last minute contributions from Europe 
highlighting applications in operational countrywide 
crop monitoring and yield estimation, as well as water- 
log monitoring featuring integrated use of remote sens- 
ing and GIS. (both prepared by Gábor Csornai et al of 
Workshop on Geographic Information Management. 
Using the Space Imaging electronic press release, the 
first Ikonos digital, high resolution satellite imagery was 
introduced for the first time in Hungary to the wider pro- 
fessional community at the FIG Commission 3 Interna- 
tional Workshop on Geographic Information Manage- 
ment in a lecture delivered on the knowledge transfer 
project called PANEL-GI, in Budapest in October, 1999. 
Workshop on Data Policy. 
Attended by invited experts from ten countries, an 
EUROGI-European Commission Data Policy Workshop 
was held in Amersfoort, the Netherlands on 15th 
November, 1999. National and Regional Perspectives 
were highlighted and discussed. G. Remetey-Fülópp 
used the occasion to underline the emerging impor- 
tance of "imaging". Attention was called to recent, 
related policy actions and can be found in the most 
recent following references: ASPRS policy on Earth 
Observation data acquisition and distribution policy 
with special emphasis on the advancement in imaging 
and geospatial information related technology (Pub- 
lished in: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, November, 1999) and "Earth Observation 
Data Policy and Europe" (EOPOLE) Newsletter Issue 1- 
4, 1999 with information on data volume, ground infra- 
structures and distribution technologies, e-commerce, 
metadata, property rights, data policy etc.) More infor- 
mation: Prof. Ray Harris of ISPRS Commission lI 
(rharris@geog.ucl.ac.uk). The Newsletter summarises 
the output of the workshop held on the subject in 
Oberpfaffenhofen from 7-9 July 1999. Also, the CEOS 
WGISS 8 Pre-workshop on EO data policy /intellectual 
rights 11 May 1999 are described in IACGEC - the 
Framework Principles on Data Policy agreed by the UK 
Inter Agency Committee on Global Environmental 
Change. The framework principles are introduced in 
the UNISPACE Ill Folder presented by University Col- 
lege London (same source as above). The edited pro- 
ceedings prepared by Prof. Max Craglia has been pub- 
lished by the Space Application Institute of DG JRC. 
5th Conference on the use of remote sensing in the con- 
trol of agricultural area-based subsidies. 
The operational use of remote sensing in agriculture is 
more and more inevitable. The 5th Conference on the use 
of remote sensing in the control of agricultural area- 
based subsidies, chaired by Olivier Leo of SAl JRC, was 
held in Stresa in November 1999. The appearance of the 
new, very high resolution satellites will open a new line for 
cost-benefit analysis and pilot applications. 
3rd GEIXS (ESPRIT) Workshop. 
The Workshop held in Budapest in December 1999 was 
devoted to “The future of geo-referenced information 
exchange in Eastern Europe and the NIS area”. About 
70 participants from more than 30 countries (mainly 
representatives of national Geological Surveys) were 
present, incl. president of ISPRS Commission VII. 
Established by EuroGeoSurveys, GEIXS has set up a 
new, harmonised metadata architecture for European 
environmental and natural resource information. The 
follow-on actions (year 2000-2002) focus on environ- 
mental data such as natural hazards, pollution and con- 
taminated land. GEIXS put the weight on a public- 
access one-stop shop of interlinked information 
catalogues and indexes, which are accessible on-line 
and based on a pan-European GIS and a multilingual 
keyword index (www.eurogeosurveys.org.en/geodata). 
The geo-science community now uses the momentum 
provided by EU support for the topic: Remote Sensing 
of Environment. Main conclusion was the call for co- 
operation, standardisation and patience. 
Preparation for the ISPRS Congress. 
The officers of Commission VII evaluated more than 
threehundred incoming proposals for the ISPRS Con- 
gress 2000. The well-organised schemes and proce- 
dures applied by Congrex and Internet worldwide com- 
munication enabled the Commission to fulfill the 
enormous task in due time. 
ISPRS Council Meeting Budapest. 
Hosted by the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Map- 
ping and Remote Sensing Conference venue: FÓMI 
RSC, April 5-6 and 11, 2000 
ISPRS Seminar on Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing at the Millennium. 
Held in Budapest on April 7, 2000. Council and Techni- 
cal Commission Presidents delivered lectures to an 
audience mainly of representatives of the Hungarian 
remote sensing community. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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