Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

- Mathematical models and algorithms for vision metrol- 
ogy with emphasis in automation 
- System performance evaluation in theoretical and 
practical aspects in collaboration with WG 11/8 
- Sensor fusion and the integration of disparate data types 
- Target and feature recognition in multi-image corre- 
- Range image acquisition, localisation and segmentation 
- New sensors and areas of application for vision metrology 
- Co-operation with CMSC 
WG V/2 Scene Modelling and Virtual Reality 
Chair: Sabry El-Hakim (Canada) 
Co-Chair: George Karras (Greece) 
WG V/2 Terms of Reference 
- Creation of accurate and realistic looking virtual reality 
(VR) models from real scenes and objects 
-  Knowledge-assisted 3-D scene understanding and 
reconstruction for VR applications 
- Integration of computer graphics and VR technology 
with close-range vision techniques 
- Improvement of performance aspects, such as speed and 
automation, of all procedures of 3-D- scene reconstruction 
- Design strategies for multi-sensor data collection and 
integration for complex scenes and environments 
- Identifying new VR applications requiring high precision 
3-D models created with photogrammetric techniques 
- Increasing the collaboration between ISPRS and com- 
puter graphics, computer vision, and computational 
geometry groups 
WG V/3 Medical Image Analysis and Human Motion 
Chair: Frank van den Heuvel (The Netherlands) 
Co-Chair: Hans-Peter Meinzer (Germany) 
WG V/3 Terms of Reference 
- Development of real-time medical imaging systems 
- Use of photogrammetric and computer vision tech- 
niques for data analysis in medical imagery 
- Dynamic analysis of human motion 
- 3-D medical imaging for anthropometry and expression 
- 3-D representation and visualisation and medical VR, 
including support to tele-medicine 
- Fostering co-operation between ISPRS and the com- 
munities of medical/biomedical engineering, sports 
science and human/apparel engineering 
WG V/4 Image Analysis and Spatial Information 
Systems for Applications In Cultural Heritage 
Chair: Hirofumi Chikatsu (Japan) 
Co-Chair: Gabriele Fangi (Italy) 
WG V/A Terms of Reference 
- Development and integration of close-range vision 
techniques and spatial information systems for record- 
ing, 3-D reconstruction, modelling and visualisation of 
structures and items of Cultural Heritage 
- Incorporation of innovative technologies and develop- 
ment of new products 
- Development of low-cost and rapid techniques in doc- 
umentation and monitoring of the cultural heritage 
- Development of standard procedures and products in 
: —————————— 
co-operation with related disciplines 
- Use of Internet and VR techniques to facilitate promo- 
tion of cultural heritage 
- Close co-operation with national and international groups 
(e.g. CIPA), as well as ISPRS WGs VII / 4 and VII /5 
WG V/5 Quick Response and Distributed Computing 
for Close-range Applications 
Chair: Antony Stefanidis (USA) 
Co-Chair: Vincent Tao (Canada) 
WG V/5 Terms of Reference 
- Methodologies and applications of integrating close 
range and air-/space-borne imagery. 
- Integration of office-to-field solutions for data collec- 
tion, remote data access, and mobile management 
- Integration of indoor and outdoor 3-D models in urban 
and industrial areas 
- Distributed multimedia geospatial databases incorpo- 
rating close range imagery and other types of geospa- 
tial information 
- Wireless field computing applications for geodata 
acquisition and processing 
WG V/6 Visualisation and Animation 
Chair: Armin Gruen (Switzerland) 
Co-Chair: Shunji Murai (Japan) 
WG V/6 Terms of Reference 
- Development of image-based techniques for integra- 
tion of live figures and environment generation tasks 
into the animation process and procedures 
- Study of methods and techniques to support the inter- 
action of real and virtual objects 
- Encouragement of collaboration with the computer 
animation community for the exchange of knowledge, 
techniques and applications 
- Promotion of application-specific photogrammetric 
technology through collaboration with related ISPRS 
Working Groups and through presentations at techni- 
cal meetings of the animation community 
IC WG VI/III Image Sequence Analysis 
Chair: Marc Pollefeys (Belgium) 
Co-Chair: Guoging Zhou (USA) 
IC WG V/lll Terms of Reference 
- Algorithms and processes in image sequence analysis, 
temporal analysis, time-constrained solutions and 
dynamic analysis and tracking 
- Integration of image data with navigation sensor data 
and multi-sensor information 
- Devices for image sequence acquisition and storage 
- Systems and applications in robot vision, machine vision, 
medical imaging, autonomous navigation, motion analy- 
sis, deformation analysis and data capture for VR 
Plans of Commission V 
The following conferences are being organised by WGs 
under the auspices of Commission V: 
- Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3-D Shape Mea- 
surement VII, SanJose, USA, January 24-26, 2001 
- International Workshop on Recreating the Past "Visual- 
isation and Animation of Cultural Heritage", Ayut- 
— International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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