Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

thaya/Thailand, February 26- March 1, 2001 
- 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Tech- 
niques, Vienna/Austria, October 1-3, 2001 
ISPRS Technical Commission VI 
Education and Communication 
Incoming President: 
Incoming Secretary: 
Tania Maria Sausen, (Brazil) 
Jodo Avila, (Brazil) 
Outlook by Incoming President 
In order to fulfil the terms of reference, Commission VI will, 
during the coming 4 years, encourage the participation of 
developing countries in Commission VI activities. This will 
promote education and training in Photogrammetry, Remote 
Sensing, and GIS in their own countries. We will also stimu- 
late the UN Centre for Space Science and Technology Edu- 
cation and other Training Centres to participate in the ISPRS 
Educational activities, through grants, fellowships, and 
scholarships. It will also be necessary to encourage the dis- 
semination of ISPRS training activities and opportunities 
through Ordinary, Associate, and Regional members, within 
their area of influence and to promote the relationship with 
international organisations in order to promote ISPRS edu- 
cational activities. In order to reach a large number of pro- 
fessionals in all continents, Commission will encourage the 
use of Internet and computer resources in ISPRS Educa- 
tional activities and attempt to stimulate the development of 
material for promoting the scientific and professional profiles 
of ISPRS areas in elementary and secondary education. As 
well as stimulating the Working Groups to organise Semi- 
nars, Workshops, and Training in their areas of expertise, it is 
also necessary to do this in co-operation with regional mem- 
bers of ISPRS and sister societies, who should endeavour to 
organise workshops for education in the developing world. 
The Commission also has specific tasks: 
- To maintain and update, at least annually, the Directory 
"Education, Training, Research and Fellowship Opportuni- 
ties in the Remote Sensing and GIS and its Applications"; 
- To develop a directory about tutorials on Remote Sens- 
ing and GIS and to make it available on the Web; 
- To encourage the development of similar Directories on 
Educational Photogrammetry activities; 
- To increase the number of subscribers and stimulate 
the use of the Network Educators, for educational 
The Commission has already started on its programme of 
work. During the period 1996-2000 TCP Tania Maria Sausen 
was Chair of WGVI/4, Education and she has created an 
EDUCATOR NETWORK, with the objective to identify peo- 
ple involved with education in photogrammetry, remote 
sensing and SIS throughout the world in order to exchange 
information about projects, seminars, courses, tutorials, 
symposia and congresses. This database has subscriptions 
of 100 institutions of 51 different countries. In order to 
enhance this an EDUCATORS NETWORK subscriber’s list 
has been created. People who take part in this network will 
be directly linked to the ISPRS TC VI - Education and Com- 
munication WG and be able to receive and send information 
about education to all subscribers. 
WG VI/1 has also done some preparatory work to set-up and 
start its work. A web page was established with various use- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
ful information on educational resources (especially free web 
sites giving information on such as courses, tutorials, glos- 
saries and dictionaries), software, lists of educational institu- 
tions, bibliographic information (books, journals etc.), confer- 
ence proceedings and other links. Tutorials at ISPRS events 
will also be placed at our WEB page and we have already 
contacted all convenors of the Amsterdam tutorials to send 
us their notes. This web page is planned to be updated con- 
tinuously with aim to be a major digital and freely accessible 
database on education and training. Addresses of people 
interested in education and training from all continents have 
been collected and a first circular letter has been sent out. 
Working Groups of Technical Commission VI for 2000- 
WG VI/1 Education and Training 
Chair: Emmanuel P. Baltsavias (Switzerland) 
Co-Chair: Theodore Bouloucos (The Netherlands) 
4WG VI/1 Terms of Reference 
- Identification and promotion of educational and train- 
ing opportunities, taking into account regional needs 
- Identification, promotion and organisation (in co-oper- 
ation with educational and research institutions) of 
educational material (courses, tutorials, glossaries 
etc.), especially in electronic form 
- Collection and dissemination of information on higher 
level education; 
- Organisation of educational and training activities, 
especially at ISPRS events and with the co-operation 
of ISPRS members 
- Promotion of scientific publications in our fields and 
collection and dissemination of respective biblio- 
graphic information 
- Co-operation with firms, esp. Sustaining Members, for 
training at technical level (e.g. operators) and support of 
educational and training activities in developing countries 
- Co-operation with International Spatial Information 
Societies, UM and other relevant organisations on edu- 
cation and training 
- Stimulating the development of materials for promoting 
ISPRS scientific and professional activities in elemen- 
tary and secondary education 
WG VI/2 Computer Assisted Teaching 
Chair: Mark R. Shortis (Australia) 
Co-Chair: Pierre Grussenmeyer (France) 
WG VI/2 Terms of Reference 
- Collection, analysis, dissemination and promotion of 
materials, software and data (hard copy and/or soft 
copy) for computer assisted teaching 
- Investigation of the role of computer assisted teaching 
in modern education and training such as material, 
methodologies, and tools 
- Assessment and evaluation of highly interactive multi- 
media materials and the transformation of tertiary level 
courses in remote sensing, photogrammetry, SIS 
WG VI/3 International Co-operation and Technology 
Chair: Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Slovenia) 
Co-Chair: Ulrike Karin Rivett (South Africa) 

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