Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

XIXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) 
Geoinformation for All 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
16-23 July 2000 
Invitation to Exhibit 
Comprehensiveness stands central in the vision of the 
ISPRS for the next century: the integration of remote sens- 
ing and photogrammetry with the added-value of the spa- 
tial/geo-information industries, harmonising technology 
push with user's pull, aiming at end-to-end solutions 
which may make a balanced contribution to the sustain- 
ability of the environment and the well-being of humanity. 
With your participation we will make the XIXth ISPRS Con- 
gress in 2000 a well-focused and unforgettable milestone 
event for everyone. | look forward to meeting you person- 
ally in Amsterdam. 
^ VE 
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Klaas Jan Beek 
ISPRS Congress Director 
The Congress and Exhibition Dates 
Congress Dates 
Sunday 16th - Sunday 23rd July 2000 
Exhibition Dates 
Monday 17th - Friday 21st July 2000 
Exhibition Profile 
The Exhibition is open to all companies and organisations 
with products and services in the fields of geographic infor- 
mation systems, mapping, photogrammetry, remote sens- 
ing, data processing, surveying, imaging, image processing, 
machine vision, computer graphics and related fields that 
are of professional interest to the Congress delegates. 
Companies and organisations with products and services 
in the fields outlined below should definitely participate. 
Exhibition Visitors 
Specialists in the field of photogrammetry and remote 
sensing have expressed their vital interest in the ISPRS 
Congress. Congress participants from all over the world, 
more than 2,000 - 2,500, will have free access to the exhi- 
bition. They are all professionals involved with photogram- 
metry, environmental management, remote sensing, geo- 
graphical sciences, natural resources, mapping, land 
information systems or geodesy. 
Besides, visitors not participating in the congress will have 
access to the exhibition for a moderate fee. 
Exhibiting companies will receive a number of free Invita- 
tion Tickets (related to the stand size) to invite their clients. 
Details will follow in the Exhibitors Manual in March 2000. 
Integration of Congress and Exhibition 
Both the ISPRS Congress and Exhibition will be held at the 
Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition & Congress Cen- 
tre in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Exhibition will be 
situated in the Delta Hall, next to the majority of meeting 
rooms and the registration area. Interaction between 
exhibitors and congress attendees will be stimulated 
through daily exhibitor showcases (see: Exhibitor Show- 
case) as well as free coffee and tea, served in the exhibi- 
tion hall during the breaks between sessions. 
Registration of Co-exhibitors 
Commercial exhibitors will be allowed to share the stand 
with their distributors, manufacturers and/or suppliers, 
provided that prior notice is given to, and written approval 
obtained from, Rose International. Upon written approval 
from Rose International, the main exhibitor, i.e. the compa- 
ny applying for the exhibit space and signing the Exhibit 
Application Form, will be charged with the fee of NLG 
1,200 (EURO 545), excluding VAT, for each co-exhibitor. 
This fee covers 1 exhibitor badge per company, plus free 
listing in the Exhibition Catalogue. The main exhibitor will 
be responsible and thus liable for his co-exhibitor(s). 
Please note that the main exhibitor will be the only contact 
for Rose International. 
Registration of co-exhibitors is possible on the enclosed 
Exhibit Application Form or with the special form which will 
be included in the Exhibitors Manual. 
Exhibitors' Reception 
A ceremonial opening of the exhibition will be part of the 
plenary opening session of the congress on Monday 17th 
July, whereas the traditional exhibitors' reception, where all 
congress attendees meet, will be held in the exhibition hall 
at the end of that same first day: a friendly way of starting 
off the week's activities. The exhibitor's contribution to this 
event is included in the Exhibit Participation Costs. 
Exhibitors Manual 
More detailed exhibit information and instructions, including 
order forms for services and supplies (e.g. audio-visual 
equipment, floral decorations, freight forwarding and stor- 
age, furniture, power supply and spotlights, stand catering, 
telephone/fax etc.) will be included in the Exhibitors Manual, 
which will be mailed to exhibitors in March 2000. 
General Conditions 
By completing and signing the Exhibit Application Form, 
the exhibitor declares him/herself bound by the General 
Conditions of Rose International. The English version of 
the General Conditions is printed on the reverse side of the 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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