Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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this remarkable episode in my career. While organising this 
XIXth ISPRS Congress | had the benefit of the good advice 
of several famous predecessors: Gottfried Konecny, Shun- 
ji Murai, Larry Fritz and Karl Kraus. Of course, having fa- 
mous predecessors can be a mixed blessing: when | was 
asked to become the Rector of ITC and thus the succes- 
sor of Schermerhorn and van der Weele, a colleague of 
mine, A.PA. Vink, who knew the Institute well, exclaimed 
that he would not recommend this job even to his worst of 
enemies. Little did he know what would be involved when 
becoming an ISPRS Congress Director! 
While this is one of these jobs requiring ninety per cent 
perspiration and ten per cent inspiration, | must also de- 
clare my positive overall feeling at the end of this project, 
mostly because of the wonderful interaction with the many 
dedicated, intelligent and good humoured colleagues, 
world wide, with whom | had the opportunity to interact. 
Today we reach the finish of this ‘tour de force’, such as 
the cyclists in the Tour de France, who are reaching Paris 
today, or the finals of a football championship, which, 
when following up on this metaphor I strongly believe this 
time The Netherlands did not lose during the penalty shoot 
The following statistics can be derived from this Congress: 
Congress Director's Report 
K.J. Beek 
| Structure of Presentation (Spas 
nu Di ica: 
Congress Duration 
Congress Focus and Theme 
Congress Registration 
Scientific PFogramme 
Publication and Communication 
MÀ —MMÀ—MÀÀÀ —_—— 
| Congress 
Duration: Compact ISPRS | 
ld ll i A 
This XIX Congress 
e duration of 7 days 
* additional 3 days for Tutorials, Workshops 
and General Assembly/Welcome Reception 
Shorter than previous ones 
Council, TCP’s and LOC agreed on Technical 
Sessions based on themes, with more emphasis on 
broad inter-commission sessions. 
The programme was established after Cie IV 
Symposium in Wildbad, Germany, Sept. 1998 after 
receipt of the abstracts. 
About 1075 of sessions was re-adjusted after 
receipt of full papers after 1 May 2000, with some 
communication difficulty between LOC and TCP's. 
| Congress Theme: Impact on ISPRS ISPRS 
(al lb isa 
The LOC appreciates the many positive 
reactions on the Congress Theme 
“Geoinformation for All” and its introduction 
during the Opening Plenary Sessions and 
exposure during the technical/special 
We hope that as a result the *message" from 
the user community will have a lasting impact 
on the activities of the ISPRS, in consequence 
with the Strategic Plan presented by President 
Larry W. Fritz. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. —277 

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