Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Resolutions of the XIX Congress of ISPRS in Amsterdam 2000 
The Resolutions Committee consisted of the following 
- Shunji Murai, Japan, First Vice President, Chairman 
- Bruce Forster, Australia 
- Isabelle Veillet, France 
- Hans-Peter Bahr, Germany 
The Resolutions Committee received 58 draft resolutions 
from Council, Technical Commissions and Delegates. Some 
of the proposed resolutions have been modified or edited. 
Resolution G.1 Appreciation 
The Congress 
- the importance of the Congress for professionals in 
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial informa- 
tion sciences from academia, industry and government 
- the careful preparation and successful realisation of 
the Congress 
- the Netherlands Society for Earth Observation and 
Geoinformatics, its president Professor Martien Mole- 
naar, and Congress Director Klaas Jan Beek and the 
Congress Committee for excellent work which has 
resulted in a very successful Congress. 
Resolution G.2 Commission Correspondents 
The Congress 
- the ineffectiveness of the present system of Commis- 
sion Correspondents compared with all other working 
mechanisms of ISPRS 
- the necessity for effective communication between 
Technical Commissions, their Working Groups and 
other bodies within ISPRS on the one hand, and indi- 
viduals and organisations in member countries and 
regions on the other hand 
- that a set of guidelines governing this communication, 
through the medium of Commission Correspondents, 
be prepared and promulgated through the ISPRS 
Orange Book and website. 
Resolution G.3 Liaison with International Standard 
Organisation (ISO) 
The Congress 
- that several Technical Commissions of ISPRS liaise 
with ISO 
- the need to strengthen standardisation activity within 
- that ISPRS consider active liaison with ISO in appro- 
priate technical committees. 
Resolution G.4 Inter-Commission Activities 
The Congress 
- the considerable overlap in recommendations from 
various Commissions 
- the importance of co-operation between Commissions 
- that all new Technical Commission Presidents note 
carefully all recommendations and move to establish 
dialogue and joint activities where appropriate. 
Resolution G.5 Digital Earth Concept 
The Congress 
- the increasing availability of digital data about the envi- 
- the increasing importance of the simultaneous use of 
multiple geo-spatial datasets to support scientific dis- 
covery, operational monitoring and decision-making 
- the initiative to establish the concept of a Digital Earth 
which promotes the interoperability of georeferenced 
digital data resources for decision making, geoinforma- 
tion management and knowledge evolution in support 
of global sustainability 
- that a Digital Earth concept is currently evolving to pro- 
mote a framework for interoperability for geo-spatial 
data, accomplished through an international spirit of 
collaboration and co-operation 
- the encouragement of strategies to further develop a 
Digital Earth concept. 
Resolution G.6 International Industry Forum 
The Congress 
- the overlap of air/space borne commercial Earth 
observation systems and the inter-relationship with 
civil and national remote sensing systems 
- the need to promote international growth and the eco- 
nomic benefits of air/space borne observations of the 
- the need for exchange of policy, technical and market 
force information between governments and private 
sector entities to promote complementary versus com- 
peting systems 
- the co-operative advantages of a complementary, inte- 
grated Earth observation ‘system of systems’ 
- the expressed need of ISPRS and CEOS for closer 
coordination of the commercial development of 
air/space borne Earth observation with all segments of 
the value-adding and user applications community 
- the importance of further encouragement and promo- 
tion of industry to develop software, hardware informa- 
tion "manufacturing", engineering and processes for 
value-added benefits to complex problem-solving 
- that ISPRS strive to establish an International Industry 
Forum (IIF) with all segments of the private sector 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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