Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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Ordinary Members of ISPRS 
Albanian Society of Geodesy, 
Cartogr. & Photogr. 
President: Dr. Muharrem Dragovoja 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 50 
Corr. Comm.l: Dr. Gezim Gdata 
Corr. Comm.Ill/V: Dr. Namik Kopliku 
Corr. Comm.IV: Dr. Agim Shehu 
Corr. Comm.VII: Ing. Bujar Drishti 
Institut National de Cartographie 
Director: Mr. Nadir Saadi 
Cat. 3 
Number of individual members: 200 
Corr. Comm.I-VII: M. Aouam 
Corr. Comm.I-VII: A. Kedjar 
Corr. Comm.I-VII: D. Maireche 
Argentine Association for Photogrammetry & Related 
President: Ruben Oscar Di Genova 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 45 
Corr. Comm.I: Carlos C. Costantini 
Corr. Comm.Il: Carlos A. Lizana 
Corr. Comm.lll: — Jose E. Julia 
Corr. Comm.IV: Horacio A. Perez Monteagudo 
Corr. Comm.V: Antonio E. Cheli 
Corr. Comm.VI: — Mario O. Arrieta 
Corr. Comm.VIl: Norberto Jorge Onesti 
Remote Sensing & Photogr. Association of Australia 
President: Mr. Dennis Puniard 
Cat. 5 
Number of individual members: 
Corr. Comm.l: Prof. John C. Trinder 
Corr. Comm.ll: Mr. M.H. Elfick 
Corr. Comm.lll: Dr. Clive S. Fraser 
Corr. Comm.IV: Mr. K. Crane 
Corr. Comm.V: Prof. J.G. Fryer 
Corr. Comm.VI: Prof. G.P Ellis 
Corr. Comm.VIl: Mr. H. Houghton 
Osterreichische Gesellschaft für Vermessung & 
President: Dipl.Ing. August Hochwartner 
Cat. 4 
Number of individual members: 650 
Corr. Comm.l: — Dipl.Ing. Michael Franzen 
Corr. Comm.Il: — Dipl.Ing. Gottfried Otepka 
Corr. Comm.lll: Prof.Dr. Gerhard Brandstatter 
Corr. Comm.IV: | Prof.Dr.Ing. Karl Kraus 
Corr. Comm.V:  Prof.Dr. Peter Waldhausl 
Corr. Comm.VI: Dr. Harald Meixner 
Corr. Comm.VII: Dipl.Ing.Dr. Reinfried Mansberger 
Azerbaijan Nat'l Committee for Photogr., RS & 
President: Dr. Nabiyev Alipasha Alibek 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 15 
Corr. Comm.l:  Guseinov Galib Ali 
Corr. Comm.ll: — Fikret Jalilov 
Corr. Comm.lll:  Makmoudzade Ramin Alinazim 
Corr.Comm.IV: Dr. Nabiyev Alipasha Alibek 
Corr. Comm.V: . Mekhtiev Arif Shafaat 
Corr. Comm.VI: Halilov Rovshan Ibrahimhalil 
Corr. Comm.VIl: Akhmedov Ismet Suleiman 
President: Mr. Rob Koudstaal 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 42 
State Committee for Land Resources, Geodesy & 
Chairman: Mr. Georgi Kuznetsov 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 
Corr. Comm.IV: V. N. Abramenkov 
Corr. Comm.V: | M.V. Imhowik 
Societe Belge de Photogrammetrie 
President: Mr. Van Den Herreweghe 
Cat. 4 
Number of individual members: 
National Center for Remote Sensing & Forest Cover 
Director: Vincent Joseph Mama 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 
Instituto Geografico Militar 
President: Gral.Brig. Carlos Belmonte Cardano 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 227 
Corr. Comm.l: — Cap.Ing. R. Mendizabal 
Corr. Comm.ll:  Cap.Ing. Marcelo Del Barco Escobars 
Corr. Comm.lll: Cap.Ing. Juan Carlos Sanabria Ayala 
Corr. Comm.IV:  Cap.Ing. Miguel Ulloa Gutierrez 
Corr. Comm.V:  My.Ing. Lino Jaen Chiri 
Corr. Comm.VI:  Cap.Inf. Marco. A. Montoya Rivera 
Corr. Comm.VIIl: My.DIM. Mario Sandoval 
Dept. of Surveys & Mapping - Government of Botswana 
Director: Mr. Bryson Baroka Hofmeyr Morebodi 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. ———— °° ———————————— 35 

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