Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Award an dditional medal at the Congress next follow- 
ing but not later. 
The name of the recipient of the medal shall be 
announced at the Congress, and the medal shall, 
whenever practicable, be presented to him in person at 
the Congress by the President. 
The medal shall not be awarded posthumously, other 
than in the exceptional event of the candidate dying 
after having been selected for the Award, in which case 
the Council shall decide whether to award the medal 
posthumously or not at all or to some other candidate. 
A trust fund shall be established for the provision of 
medals. The trust deed shall be drawn up at the 
instance and with the approval of the American Society 
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and shall be 
subject to the approval of the Council of the ISPRS; it 
shall contain provisions for the safeguarding of the cap- 
ital value of the assets and for all accrued interest to be 
used in the provision of medals. Trustees all be 
appointed by the American Society for Photogramme- 
try and Remote Sensing which society shall be respon- 
sible to the Council of the ISPRS for the proper conduct 
of the affairs of the trust. 
The Otto Von Gruber Award 
On the initiative of Dr. Ir. W. Schermerhorn, the Board of 
the ITC Foundation, decided on 26th September, 1961 to 
set aside funds for the assignment of a periodic award in 
memory of Otto von Gruber. 
The award will be made in accordance with the following 
amended regulations which have been approved by the 
Board of Governors of the ITC Foundation on 23rd Janu- 
ary, 1986 and the Council of The International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing on 16th April, 1987. 
Article 1 
The Award shall be known as the Otto von Gruber Award 
and consist of a medal and a monetary grant. It will be made 
every four years to the author of a paper of outstanding 
merit on photogrammetry, photointerpretation or remote 
sensing. A person may be given the Award only once. 
Article 2 
An applicant for the Award must meet the following 
a. The paper shall be written within the four years imme- 
diately preceding the year of the Congress of the Inter- 
national Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing (ISPRS) at which the Award is to be presented. 
The applicant should not be older than 40 years on the 
opening day of the Congress and should either: 
1. have graduated from a recognised university with 
photogrammetry, photointerpretation or remote 
sensing as a major subject; or 
have graduated in other subjects from a recognised 
university or similar educational institution and sub- 
sequently have completed a post-graduate course in 
photogrammetry, photointerpretation or remote sens- 
ing at a recognised university, technical college or 
school; or 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — — —— 
3. have received a post-graduate diploma or M. Sc. 
degree from the International Institute for Aero- 
space Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC). 
Article 3 
An applicant for the Award shall submit the paper to the 
President of the ISPRS at least six months before the 
opening of the Congress. The paper may be written in any 
language, but must be submitted to the President in one of 
the official languages of ISPRS. A copy of the application 
shall be sent to the Board of ITC Foundation. 
Article 4 
A jury of individuals shall appraise the papers submitted to 
the President and, on the basis of a majority vote of the 
jury members, select the best paper, the author of which 
shall be the recipient of the Award. The jury shall be com- 
posed as follows: 
a. The President of ISPRS (who will have no vote except 
in the event of a tied vote); 
Three qualified individuals designated before each 
Award by the following authorities: 
1. The Council of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pho- 
togrammetrie und Fernerkundung. 
2. The Council of the Photogrammetric Society, Great 
3. The Rector of ITC. 
If two of the jury members mentioned in paragraph b. 
wish to increase the number of members of the jury, 
the President of the ISPRS and the previous incumbent 
of the office each shall name a supplementary member 
who shall be of nationalities different from each other 
and different from German and British. 
Article 5 
The jury is free to decide: 
a. that the Award be made to a person who has notsubmit- 
ted an application provided that the requirements stated 
in Article 2 are complied with; 
b. that no Award be made when, in its judgement, there is 
no paper of sufficient merit; 
c. that two Awards be made at one Congress when, in its 
judgement, the papers of two candidates are of equal 
Article 6 
The decision of the jury is final. 
Article 7 
The result of the jury's decision shall be announced at a 
Plenary Session of the Congress and the Award shall then, 
whenever practicable, be presented to the recipient in per- 
son by the Secretary General or the President. 
Article 8 
In case any translation of the above regulations gives rise 
to ambiguity, the English text will be decisive. 
The Samuel Gamble Award 
In 1984 the Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping 
resolved to sponsor an award in honour of Dr. Samuel G. 

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