Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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Gino Cassinis Award 
The Gino Cassinis Award, valued at Swf 2,500, will be 
offered for the first time by the Italian Society for Survey- 
ing and Photogrammetry (SIFET) in Amsterdam in July 
2000. The award honours the work of Professor Gino 
Cassinis in ISPRS in teaching and research in photogram- 
metry for 40 years, and provides ISPRS with further oppor- 
tunities to recognise the major scientific achievements of 
scientists working on ISPRS activities. All ISPRS Members 
are encouraged to consider appropriate candidates for this 
new award who have significantly enhanced the mathe- 
matical and statistical foundations of the photogrammetry, 
remote sensing or spatial information sciences in the 4 
years preceding the Congress. The deadline for submis- 
sion to the President of ISPRS, of recommendations for 
candidates is January 2000. 
The scientific work of Professor Gino Cassinis enhanced 
the mathematical and statistical foundations of the survey- 
ing and mapping disciplines. He served as President of 
ISPRS from 1934 - 1938, Congress Director of the 5th 
ISPRS Congress (Rome, 1938), and as President of ISPRS 
Technical Commissions for four terms. Furthermore he 
was elected as an Honorary Member of ISPRS. 
Article 1 
The award shall be known as The Gino Cassinis Award 
and shall normally be granted at each Congress of the 
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing (ISPRS). 
Article 2 
The Gino Cassinis Award shall consist of a certificate and 
SwF 2,500, from the Italian Society for Surveying and Pho- 
togrammetry. Presentation shall be made at an appropriate 
event, preferably a plenary session or General Assembly of 
the Congress. 
Article 3 
The recipient shall be a person who has significantly 
enhanced the mathematical and statistical foundations of 
the photogrammetry, remote sensing or spatial information 
sciences in the 4 years preceding the Congress. All nomi- 
nations shall be supported by appropriate documentary 
evidence of the candidate’s work. 
Article 4 
Nominations for The Gino Cassinis Award shall reach the 
President of ISPRS not later than 6 months prior to the 
Congress at which it will be presented. Candidates may 
not self-nominate. 
Article 5 
The Jury of The Gino Cassinis Award shall consist of: 
* The President of ISPRS (Chair of Jury) 
* The Secretary General of ISPRS 
* The President of SIFET or its nominee. 
The Jury shall decide no later than 4 months before the 
ISPRS Congress. The decision shall be made by simple 
majority. The Jury may decide not to present an award. 
The decision of the Jury shall be final. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
Article 6 
No Members of ISPRS Council or the Jury shall be eligible 
to receive the award. 
The Eduard Dolezal Award 
In memory of Prof. Dr. Eduard Dolezal, the Austrian Society 
for Surveying and Geoinformation in 1992 has established 
an award which will be presented according to the following 
regulations on the occasion of the Congress of the Interna- 
tional Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
beginning with the 18th Congress in Vienna. 
Prof. Dr. Eduard DoleZal was born the son of a weaver on 2 
March 1862 in Budwitz, Moravia, studied mathematics and 
physics in Vienna and in 1889 became a teacher of mathe- 
matics at the Technical Secondary School in Sarajevo, 
Bosnia. In 1905 he was offered a chair in practical geome- 
try at the Technical University in Vienna. Three years later, in 
1908, he was elected president of the University. 
As early as 1896 he wrote a paper about "The Application of 
Photography to Practical Measuring Tasks". On 5 May 1907 
he founded the Austrian and on 4 July 1910 the International 
Society for Photo-grammetry. He served as first president of 
ISP until 1926. DoleZal founded the International Archives for 
Photogrammetry and edited the first six volumes (1908 -1 923). 
He also organised the first International Congress for Pho- 
togrammetry (24 to 26 September 1913) in Vienna. He died, 
showered with honours, on 7 July 1955 in Baden near Vienna. 
Those who knew DoleZal always spoke highly of his social 
awareness, his visions, his methodical work, all of which 
aimed at international co-operation. Thus it is fitting that 
this award named after the founding father of ISP(RS) 
should acknowledge these qualities. The Eduard Dolezal 
Award specifically encourages activities which, in a well 
organised way, permanently and effectively promote pho- 
togrammetry, remote sensing or GIS. His social awareness 
will be emphasised by considering only candidates from 
developing and reform countries. 
Article 1 
The Eduard DoleZal Award is a grant for furtherance aimed 
to assist individuals or representatives of institutions from 
developing or reform countries to participate in the ISPRS 
Article 2 
The Eduard DoleZal Award consists of a certificate pro- 
vided to ISPRS by the Austrian Society for Surveying and 
Geoinformation, complementary registration provided by 
the respective Congress organiser, and a limited travel and 
expense grant from the Eduard Dolezal Fund. The grant is 
to cover travel and residence expenses for at least one 
participant to attend the Congress. In the case of short 
distance journeys, two grants may be awarded. 
Article 3 
The Austrian Society for Surveying and Geoinformation 
shall serve as trustee to the Eduard Dolezal Fund. The 
amount of grant funds available for distribution will be 
communicated to ISPRS Secretary General nine months 
before each ISPRS Congress. 

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