Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

E TT UU e T rt rar RE 
Ghana Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 
Director: Mr. Naa Alhaji |. Abu 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 50 
Corr. Comm.l: Mr. Francis Manu-Adabor 
Corr. Comm.ll: |. Mr. Samuel Oppong-Antwi 
Corr. Comm.lll: |. Dr. Collins Fosu 
Mr. Edwin Addo-Tawiah 
Mr. Joseph Amaglo 
Mr. Samuel Aboah 
Dr. Emmanuel Amamoo-Otchere 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VII: 
Hellenic Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 
President: Dr. E. Kapokakis 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 
Corr. Comm.l: Mrs. M. Sehioti 
Corr. Comm.ll: | Prof. A.K.S. Georgopoulos 
Corr. Comm.Ill: | Mrs. M. Tsaousi 
Corr. Comm.IlV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VII: 
Mr. D. Papakonstantinou 
Dr. E. Kapokakis 
Dr. X. Potsiou 
Prof. D. Argialas 
Hong Kong 
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 
President: Mr. Francis H.K. Ng 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 2.200 
Ministry of Agriculture - Dept. of Lands & Mapping 
Cat. 3 
Number of individual members: 2.000 
Corr. Comm.lI: Dr. Miklos Gerencser 
Corr. Comm.ll: | Mr. Peter Winkler 
Corr. Comm.lll: Dr. Gabor Melykuti 
Mr. Istvan Kadar 
Dr. Karoly Fekete 
Dr. Peter Engler 
Dr. Gabor Remetey-Fulopp 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VIl: 
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing 
President: Dr. D.P. Rao / Mr. B.S. Sokhi 
Cat. 8 
Number of individual members: 1.641 
Corr. Comm.lI: Dr. M.G. Chandrasekhar 
Corr. Comm.ll: . Shri. A.K.S. Gopalan 
Corr. Comm.lll: | Prof. B.L. Deekshatulu 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VIl: 
Shri. A.R. Dasgupta 
Prof. T. Natarajan 
Prof. S.K. Bhan 
Dr. R.R. Navalgund 
Indonesian Surveyors Association - Bakosurtanal 
President: Mr. Rizal Ansharry 
Cat. 4 
Number of individual members: 
Corr. Comm.l: Mr. Paul Suharto 
Corr. Comm.ll: Mr. Suwarno Martojuwono 
Corr. Comm.lll: | Mr. Bobby Santoso 
Mr. Wrahastirto 
Mr. Kussalamwadi 
Mr. Tayefe-Davallu 
Mr. Mojtabai 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VIl: 
National Cartographic Center 
President: Dr. Mohammad Madad 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 40 
Corr. Comm.l: Mr. Mohammad Sarpoulaki 
Corr. Comm.ll: Mr. Mohammadali Vahedi 
Corr. Comm.lll: Mr. Ali Eslami Rad 
Mr. Saeed Nouri Bushehri 
Mr. Saeed Sadeghian 
Mr. Gholamreza A. Semnani 
Alireza Gharagozlu 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VIl: 
State Commission on Survey 
Dir.Gen.: Dipl.Eng. Sammi A. Kadhim 
Cat. 1 
Number of individual members: 700 
Corr. Comm.I-VIl:Abdul-Rehman J. Hassoon 
Irish Society of Surveying, Photogrammetry & Remote 
President: Mr. Richard Kirwin 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 60 
Israeli Society of Photogr. & Remote Sensing 
President: Dr. Dan Blumberg 
Cat. 2 
Number of individual members: 80 
Corr. Comm.ll: — Dr. Ofer Zilberstein 
Corr. Comm.lll: Dr. Amnon Krupnik 
Corr. Comm.IV: Dr. Ammatzia Peled 
Corr. Comm.V: Dr. Uzi Ethrog 
Corr. Comm.VI: Prof. Yerahmiel Doytsher 
Corr. Comm.VII: Dr. Maxim Shosani 
Societa Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topogfrafia 
President: Prof. Luciano Surace 
Number of individual members: 855 
Corr. Comm.l: — Prof. Anna Spalla 
Corr. Comm.ll: Prof. Sergio Dequal 
Corr. Comm.lll: Prof. Battista Benciolini 
Prof. Gianfranco Forlani 
Prof. Luigi Mussio 
Prof. Giovanni Lechi 
Prof. Fabio Crosilla 
Corr. Comm.IV: 
Corr. Comm.V: 
Corr. Comm.VI: 
Corr. Comm.VIl: 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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