Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

I Objectives and Activities 
Article 5 
In order to accomplish its mission, CIPA will: 
a. Establish links between architects, historians, archae- 
ologists, conservationists, inventory experts on the one 
hand and on the other hand, specialists in photogram- 
metry and remote sensing, spatial information sys- 
tems, computer aided architectural design (CAAD), 
computer graphics, surveying and other related fields. 
b. Organise and encourage the dissemination and 
exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience and the 
results of research and development. 
c. Establish contacts with and between the relevant insti- 
tutions and companies which specialise in the execu- 
tion of recording, documentation and measurement of 
cultural goods or in the manufacture of appropriate 
systems and instruments. 
d. Initiate and organise conferences, symposia, specialist 
colloquia, workshops, tutorials, practical sessions and 
specialised courses. 
e. Initiate and co-ordinate applied research and develop- 
ment activities by creating Working Groups devoted to 
particular techniques and applications. 
f. Provide scientific and technical expertise for specific 
g. Organise a network of National Delegates, ICOMOS Com- 
mittee Delegates respectively ISPRS Commission/ Work- 
ing Group Delegates and Corresponding Members. 
h. Submit an annual report on its activities to the ICO- 
MOS Bureau (Secretary General) and the ISPRS Coun- 
cil (Secretary General). 
IV Membership and Boards 
Article 6 
The CIPA member categories are: 
1 Ordinary Members, 
2 Associate Members, 
3 Honorary Members, 
4 Delegates of ICOMOS National Committees, 
5 Delegates of ISPRS National or Associate Members, 
6 Delegates of other ICOMOS International Scientific 
7 Delegates of ISPRS Commissions or Working Groups, 
8 Expert Group, Working Group and Task Group Mem- 
bers (who might be members of other categories, too), 
9 Corresponding Members, 
10 Sustaining Members. 
Article 7 
The Executive Board of CIPA is formed by the Ordinary, 
Associate and Honorary Members (categories 1-3). 
The Board of Delegates is formed by the National Dele- 
gates and Committee Delegates (categories 4-7). 
The Expert Advisory Board is formed by the Chair-persons 
of Expert Groups, Working Groups and Task Groups, their 
Co-ordinators, and invited Consultants. 
Article 8 
The Ordinary Members are twelve in number: 
a. Ten Society Representatives five of which represent the 
ICOMOS and must be members of ICOMOS and five 
represent the ISPRS and must be members of the 
ISPRS Ordinary or Associate Members of their country. 
These Society Representatives are to be experts hav- 
ing a high national and international reputation. 
b. Two Society Delegates, delegated by the ICOMOS 
Executive Committee and the ISPRS Council, respec- 
tively. They are responsible for liaison between the par- 
ent societies and CIPA. 
Article 9 
It is obligatory that each Ordinary Member and Associate 
Member of CIPA becomes a member of the other parent 
society in his or her country as far as this is possible 
according to their statutes. 
Article 10 
In order to ensure a wide international distribution, the 
twelve Ordinary Members should preferably be resi- 
dents of twelve countries with a wide geographic distri- 
Article 11 
The mandate of an Ordinary Member lasts for three years 
(ICOMOS) and four years (ISPRS). The maximum duration 
of Ordinary Membership of an individual is twelve years. 
Every fourth year on average four Ordinary Members 
should be replaced by new appointees. 
Article 12 
Ordinary Members (Society Representatives, Article 8a) are 
- Nominated by the ISPRS Council, by the National 
Member Societies of ISPRS, by the ICOMOS Executive 
Committee, by the National ICOMOS Committees or 
by the CIPA Boards to the Secretary General. 
- Selected and proposed by the CIPA Executive Board 
to the Secretary Generals of ICOMOS and ISPRS, 
- Approved and appointed by the ICOMOS Executive 
Committee and by the ISPRS Council, respectively. 
Approval is automatically granted within six weeks 
notice, unless an extension is requested by a parent 
body, in which case the approval period will be 
extended up to twelve weeks. 
Prior to nomination of membership the new Member has 
to agree: 
- To attend the Executive’s yearly Board Meetings and 
the CIPA biennial Symposia, 
- To actively contribute to the work of the Executive Board, 
- To co-operate and maintain regular communication 
with CIPA 
The renewal of the mandate of a Member shall follow the 
above procedures. (Re-nomination, selection, proposal, 
approval and appointment) 
Article 13 
Associate Members are: 
- The Internet Communication Officer (Web-Master) of 
- The incoming Symposium Director and Co-Director for 
a period beginning after the end of the previous sym- 
- The outgoing Symposium Director and Co-Director 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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