Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

approved after six weeks notice unless an extension is 
requested by a parent body, in which case the approval 
period will be extended up to twelve weeks. 
The duration of the mandate of the Vice-President will be 
four years. The mandate can be renewed only once, irre- 
spective of his/her duration as Ordinary Member in the 
Committee. Suspension requires a simple majority of Ordi- 
nary and Associate Members. 
Article 29 
The Secretary General shall assist the President in the 
management of the Committee and its external and inter- 
nal relations. In particular, he/she shall be responsible for 
the Secretariat for and during Committee sessions, pre- 
pare the agenda in co-operation with the Presidents, invite 
the Members, and draft the minutes. He/she is also 
responsible for the historical files of CIPA. 
The Secretary General is elected by the Ordinary Members 
from amongst the Ordinary or Associate Members, after 
consulting the latter group. 
The duration of the Secretary General's mandate lasts four 
years with the possibility of one extension. Suspension 
requires a simple majority of the Ordinary and Associate 
Article 30 
The Treasurer is responsible for the budget of CIPA and shall: 
a. Complete the accounts for hand over to his successor. 
b. Issue bills and remainders. 
c. Administer the funds in accordance with the decisions 
of the Ordinary Members of the Executive Board. 
d. Keep CIPA accounts. 
e. Submit a statement of accounts to the Executive Board 
at each of its meetings. 
f. Assist in raising funds for CIPA. 
The Treasurer is elected by the Ordinary Members from 
amongst the Ordinary and Associate Members with simple 
majority. His/her mandate lasts for four years with the pos- 
sibility of one extension. Suspension requires simple 
majority of Ordinary and Associate Members. 
Article 31 
The Internet Communication Officer (WebMaster) shall: 
- Install and regularly update the CIPA Internet Web- pages. 
- Publish the existence of CIPA's Website to all major Web 
search engines and relevant mailing lists. 
- Generate and publish statistics for CIPA's Website. 
- Prepare facilities for electronic publishing of CIPA's publi- 
- Prepare facilities for data exchange. 
- Keepin close contact with President, Vice-President and 
Secretary General as well as with all other members of the 
Executive and Expert Advisory Board. 
- Monitor the Web-activities of related organisations 
(ISPRS, ICOMOS, ...). 
- Manage correspondence for CIPA's aims. 
- Collect and publish examples of projects on CIPA's 
- install and maintain CIPA's mailing lists. 
- Bea contact person to CIPA's Board Members concern- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — — — —— 
ing questions on Internet communication and electronic 
The Internet Communication Officer (WebMaster) is 
elected by the Ordinary and Associate Members with sim- 
ple majority. His/her mandate lasts for four years with the 
possibility of two extensions. Suspension requires simple 
majority of Ordinary and Associate Members. 
VII Meetings 
Article 32 
Four types of meetings will be organised by CIPA: 
1. Annual Sessions of the Executive Board, 
2. International Symposia, 
3. Specialist Colloquia, 
4. Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, etc. 
Article 33 
Annual Sessions of the Executive Board. The Members of 
the Executive Board meet once a year in sessions lasting 
two days. It is recommended that those sessions should 
take place at the same time as one of the other CIPA meet- 
ings, in particular, the symposia. 
If an urgent and important need arises, an exceptional ses- 
sion can be held between two annual meetings but, more 
generally, unexpected problems must be dealt with by cor- 
The ICOMOS and ISPRS Presidents will be invited to 
attend the sessions of the Executive Board. They will not 
participate in any voting. 
Article 34 
The International Symposia will be widely announced in 
advance and will be open to all experts who wish to attend. 
They will be organised within the framework of a general 
scientific program drawn up by the Executive Board, tak- 
ing into account the proposals received from institutions 
which offer to organise and finance the symposium. 
It is recommended that those symposia should take place 
at two-year intervals in the odd numbered years. 
Article 35 
Countries and institutions interested in hosting a sympo- 
sium shall submit a proposal which has been approved by 
both, the ICOMOS National Committee and the national 
Ordinary or an Associate Member of ISPRS. 
The proposal for the Symposium shall contain: 
a. Location, date and fees 
b. Facilities for accommodation 
c. Theme 
d. Two Symposium Directors (One representing ISPRS, 
the other ICOMOS ) 
e. Organising institutions. 
The selection of the venue of the symposium is the task of 
the Board of Delegates. 
Article 36 
The Specialist Colloquia will be attended by a limited num- 
ber of experts for the purpose of discussing a well defined 

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