Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

— ZUM 
Members of the Executive Board of CIPA 
Ordinary Members from ICOMOS from to Memberships Functions 
Erder, Cevat Turkey 1070 1991 ICOMOS Ex Officio 1984-1988 
Foramitti, Hans Austria 1970 41982 ISP ICOMOS  gest.1982 
McDowall, Robin William United Kingdom 1970 1978 ICOMOS Secretary RCHME (Royal 
Comm. on Hist. Monuments 
of England) 1973-79 
gest. 1987 
Petrov, L.A. U.S.S.R. 1970 1974 ICOMOS 
Kolataj, Wojciech Poland 1974 1984 ICOMOS Head Photogrammetry PZK 
Feilden, B. United Kingdom 1978 1981 ICOMOS 
Dallas, Ross W. United Kingdom 1981 1993 ICOMOS 
Masanz, Gertraud Austria 1984 1993 ICOMOS 
Almagro-Gorbea, Antonio Spain 1986 1999 ICOMOS 
Wanot, Elzbieta Poland 1987 1993 ICOMOS Head Photogrammetry PZK 
Laenen, Mark Italy 1988 1999 ICOMOS Ex Officio as Director of 
Letellier, Robin Canada 1991 ICOMOS  Secr.Gen.1992-1998, 
VicePres. 1998-2002 
Ursua-Cocke, Francisco Mexico 1993 1996 ICOMOS Architect 
Daoulatli, Abdelaziz Tunesia 1993 1998 ICOMOS 
Ogleby, Clifford Australia 1999 ISPRS ICOMOS Secr.Gen.2000-2004 
Nickerson, Steve Canada 1999 ICOMOS 
Solar, Giora Israel 2000 ICOMOS Soc.Del. 
Palumbo, Gaetano United Kingdom 2001 ICOMOS 
The Period of office lasts from official nomination to the Annual Meeting in the third year thereafter with continuation 
until official nomination of successors. 
President, VicePresident and Secretary General have four year periods beginning from election to the fourth Annual 
Meeting thereafter. 
ISP until 7.1980, afterwards ISPRS 
Ordinary Members from ISPRS from to Memberships Functions 
Jirinec, Miloslav CSR 1970 1974 ISP gest.1974 
Lóschner, Fritz Germany 1970 1976 ISP gest.2000 
Schmiedt, Giulio Italy 1970 1976 ISP gest. 1991 
Carbonell, Maurice France 1970 1988 ISPRS ICOMOS President 1970-1988 
Braum, Franjo Yougoslavia 1975 1986 ISPRS gest. 
Dóhler, Manfred Germany 1976 1981 ISPRS gest.1998 
Fondelli, Mario Italy 1976 1987 ISPRS President 1988-1993 
Wester-Ebbinghaus, Wilfried Germany 1984 1993 ISPRS gest.1993 
Cheli, Antonio Argentina 1986 1999 ISPRS 
Fiedler, Teodor Yougoslavia 1988 1992 ISPRS 
Grün, Armin Switzerland 1988 1992 ISPRS ExOfficio 
Badekas, John Greece 1991 1998 ISPRS President 1993-1998 
Jachimski, Jozef Poland 1992 ISPRS Secr.Gen.1999-2000 
Waldhäusl, Peter Austria 1992 ISPRS ICOMOS President 1998-2002 
Fryer, John Australia 1992 1996 ISPRS ExOfficio 
Lundemo, Edel Norway 1994 1999 ISPRS Secr.Gen.1998-1999 
Chikatsu, Hirofumi Japan 1996 1997 ISPRS ExOfficio 
Rüther, Heinz South Africa 1997 1998 ISPRS ExOfficio 
Patias, Petros Greece 1998 ISPRS 
Streilein, André Switzerland 1998 2000 ISPRS Soc.Del. 
Grussenmeyer, Pierre France 1999 ISPRS 
Rüther, Heinz South Africa 2000 ISPRS 
Altan, Orhan Turkey 2000 ISPRS Soc.Del. 
The Period of office lasts from official nomination to the Annual Meeting in the fourth year thereafter with continuation 
until official nomination of successors. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 00000 

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