Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

3.4 Illustrations 
3.4.1 Placement: Figures must be placed in the appropri- 
ate location in the document, as close as practicable to the 
reference of the figure in the text. While figures and tables 
are usually aligned horizontally on the page, large figures 
and tables sometimes need to be turned on their sides. If 
you must turn a figure or table sideways, please be sure 
that the top is always on the left-hand side of the page. 
3.4.2 Captions: All captions should be typed in upper and 
lower case letters, centered directly beneath the illustra- 
tion. Use single spacing if they use more than one line. All 
captions are to be numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, 
Table 2, Figure 3. 
3.4.3 Line Drawings: Drawings in papers prepared in digital 
form must be in the appropriate location in the document. 
For the best reproduction of line drawings of papers pre- 
pared in hardcopy, the original drawings should be made on 
white paper and carefully mounted in an appropriate position 
within the text. (Use rubber cement or pressure sensitive 
wax, not glue, mucilage or scotch tape). Make lines wide 
enough and lettering large enough to remain legible after any 
reduction in size, i.e., at least as large as capital letters. 
Do not use any low contrast photocopying process, 
because the figures will reproduce poorly after scanning. 
3.4.4 Photographs: For papers prepared in digital form, 
images must be placed in appropriate positions in the 
paper. The resolution should be sufficient to allow proper 
quality hard copy reproduction of the paper (i.e. about 
600dpi). For papers prepared in hardcopy, paste original 
photographs into the manuscript pages. Type the caption 
directly under photos. 
Full color will be available on the CDROM version of the 
Archives. Color reproduction may be provided for the hard- 
copy version of the Archives, according to the instructions in 
the authors kit issued by the meeting organizing committee. 
3.4.5 Tables: Tables should be produced directly within 
the text. Each table should have a number and a caption. 
3.4.6 Copyright: If your article contains any copyrighted 
illustrations or imagery, please include a statement of 
copyright such as: © SPOT Image Copyright 19xx (fill in 
year), CNES. It is the author's responsibility to obtain any 
necessary copyright permission. -The copyright of your 
article remains with you. 
3.5 Equations, Symbols and Units: 
3.5.1 Equations: Equations should be numbered consec- 
utively throughout the paper. The equation number is 
enclosed in parentheses and placed flush right. Leave two 
blank lines before and after equations. 
3.5.2 Symbols and Units: Use the SI (Systeme Interna- 
tionale) Units and Symbols. Unusual characters or sym- 
bols should be explained in a list of nomenclature. 
4. Transmittal and Further Information 
4.1 Transmittal 
The final date for submission will be determined by the 
meeting organizers and will be given in the authors kit. 
Adherence to the specified due date for submission of 
papers is essential. Papers not received by the due 
date will be omitted from the ISPRS Archives. 
4.2 Further Information 
If you have questions about the technical content, sub- 
mission procedure, layout, or editorial requirements, 
please contact the relevant individual of the meeting 
organising committee as listed in the authors kit. 
L. W. Fritz, 10 August 1989 
P. Waldhaeusl, 23 August 1993 
J. C. Trinder, November 1999 
Guidelines for Preparations of National Reports for Amsterdam Congress 
1. Report Size: 
Reports are to be typed in single space, with the size of 
report not exceeding: 
a 6 pages for Member's Category 1 to 5 
b. 8 pages for Member's Category 6 to 8 
2. Report Format: 
The Guidelines for Authors for Preparing of Manuscripts 
for the ISPRS Amsterdam 2000 Congress will be sent 
upon receipt of the abstract. 
3. Report Contents: 
The contents should highlight the activities of photogram- 
metry, remote sensing, spatial information systems and/or 
digital mapping in your country or region for the period of 
1996 to 2000. The following topics could be typical: 
a. Introduction 
b. Development of Photogrammetry 
c. Development of Remote Sensing 
d. Development of Spatial Information Systems and Digi- 
tal Mapping 
Education and Research 
Scientific and Professional Organizations 
(Names and addresses of active and key organizations) 
g. Publications 
A list of published books, journals, important 
7° ® 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. ————————— 

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