Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

1992 - 1996 Torroja, Spain 
President: S. Murai, Japan 6b. Photogrammetry for Flying Objects - Th. Ween, Norway 
Secretary General: L. W. Fritz, USA 7. | Economy - A. Kruttschnitt, Hungary 
Congress Director: X K. Kraus, Austria 8. Instruments, Optics, Norms - G. Cassinis, Italy 
First Vice President: K. Torlegárd, Sweden 9 Plates and Films - A. von Odencrants, Sweden 
Second Vice President: A. Gruen, Switzerland 10a. Education at Universities and Research Institutes 
Treasurer: J. Trinder, Australia - A. Buchholtz, Latvia 
10b. Training of Technical Personnel - A. lvancianu, Romania 
1996 - 2000 11a. Photographic Airplanes - K. Weigel, Poland 
President: L. W. Fritz, USA 11b. Navigation - J. Petrik, Czechoslovakia 
Secretary General: X J. Trinder, Australia 
Congress Director: — K. J. Beek, The Netherlands 1930 - 1934 
First Vice President: S. Murai, Japan 1. Terrestrial Photogrammetry - F. Baeschlin, Switzerland 
Second Vice President: M. Barbosa, Brazil 2. Aerial Photography - M. Labussiere, France 
Treasurer: H. Rüther, South Africa 3. Mapping - H. von Langendorff, Germany 
4a. Various Applications - E. Dolezal, Austria 
2000 - 2004 4b. X-ray Photogrammetry - A. Hasselwander, Germany 
President: J. Trinder, Australia 5. Industrial Applications & Economy - K. Weigel & E. 
Secretary General: lan Dowman, United Kingdom Warchalowski, Poland 
Congress Director: M. Orhan Altan, Turkey 6. Education, Bibliography, Terminology - A. Medvey & 
First Vice President: L. W. Fritz, USA K.v. Oltay, Hungary 
Second Vice President: G. Begni, France 
Honorary President 
A. Peled, Israel 
1934 - 1938 
1. Ground Photography - F. C. Baeschlin, Switzerland 
2. Air Photography - H. H. Blee, USA 
E. Dolezal, Austria 1926-1955 3. Aerial Triangulation - W. Schermerhorn, The Nether- 
Honorary Members 4.  Plotting of Air Photographs - H. v. Langendorff, 
E. von Orel, Austria 1938 - 1941 Germany 
G. Poivilliers, France 1948-1968 5. Various Applications of Photogrammetry - E. Dolezal, 
F. Baeschlin, Switzerland 1952 - 1961 Austria 
U. Nistri, Italy 1952-1962 6. X-ray Photogrammetry and Close-Up Photogramme- 
O. S. Reading, USA 1952 - 1984 try - C. Sannié, France 
E. Santoni, Italy 1952-1970 7. Industrial Organization of Photogrammetry and Sta- 
W. Schermerhorn, The Netherlands 1952 - 1986 tistics of Works - G. Cassinis, Italy 
W. Bauersfeld, Germany 1956-1959 8. Teaching, Terminology, Bibliography - K. v. Oltay, 
G. Cassinis, Italy 1956 - 1964 Hungary 
H. Harry, Switzerland 1956 - 1973 
L. Hurault, France 1956 - 1973 1938 - 1948 
P. Mogensen, Sweden 1956 - 1969 1. Ground Photogrammetry and its Applications - O. S. 
R. LI. Brown, Great Britain 1960 - 1983 Reading, USA 
K. Schwidefsky, FR. Germany 1972-1986 2. Air Photography - M. Zeller, Switzerland 
E. H. Thompson, United Kingdom 1972-1976 3. Preliminary Operations on the Ground for Aerial Pho- 
G. de Masson d'Autume, France 1976 togrammetry - F. Baeschlin, Switzerland 
K. G. Lófstróm, Finland 1976-1984 4.  Plotting of Air Photographs - P. Tham, Sweden 
J. Cruset, France 1980-1994  Á 5.  Geodetical Applications of Photogrammetry - G. 
L. Solaini, Italy 1980 - 1989 Poivilliers, France 
P. Fagundes, Brazil 1984-1996 6. Application of Photogrammetry to Biology and Med- 
F. J. Doyle, USA 1988 icine - J. Didier & Coliez, France 
Mrs. A. Savolainen, Finland 1988 7. Industrial Organization of Photogrammetry and Sta- 
Z. Wang, China 1988 tistics - G. Cassinis, Italy 
G. Konecny, Germany 1992 8. Teaching and Bibliography - G. Harding, USA 
F. Ackermann, Germany 1996 
S. Muraj, Japan 2000 1948 - 1952 
Technical Commissions 
1926 - 1930 
Terrestrial Photogrammetry - H. Dock, Austria 
Rectification - L. van Oost, Belgium 
Stereo-Aerial Photogrammetry - O. Eggert, Germany 
X-ray Measurements - A. Hasselwander, Germany 
l. Photography & Navigation - L. E. Howlett, Canada 
Il. Plotting Machines & Instruments - G. Poivilliers, 
Il. Aerial Triangulation - P. Wiser, Belgium 
IV. Mapping from Photographs - G. Cassinis, Italy 
V. Special Applications of Photogrammetry - B. Hallert, 
VI. Education, Terminology, Bibliography, History, 
Polyglot Dictionary - K. Lego, Austria - K.Neumaier 
4. Aerial Triangulation - F. Baeschlin, Switzerland 
a. Architectural and Engineering Photogrammetry - J. VII. Photo-Interpretation - R. N. Colwell, USA 
452—— s International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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