Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

reviewing process by the Commission Presidents; only 
accepted papers were classified either as oral presenta- 
tion for one of the ICs or TCs or as poster presentation for 
one of the Interactive Poster Sessions. All accepted 
papers were included in the International Archives of Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume XXXIII, pro- 
vided the final manuscripts were received in time. The 
archives are available on CD-ROM. The abstracts were 
brought together in a separate hard-copy abstract book. 
Almost all papers were presented in English, therefore 
simultaneous translation was not provided, except for the 
four sessions of the General Assembly of ISPRS where 
the Council, the Commission Presidents and the National 
Delegates discussed society policy matters. 
Inter-technical Commission Sessions (IC) 
These comprised subjects of a broader contents than that 
of individual technical commissions. Council and Technical 
Commission Presidents have agreed to organise 32 IC- 
Technical Commission Sessions (TC) 
These are organised by the Commission Presidents in 
close co-operation with the Working Group chairpersons. 
Interactive Poster Sessions (TP) 
The time available for interactive poster sessions is two 
hours. All sessions commence with a 2-minute introduc- 
tion for each of the approximately twenty poster papers 
per session, where the authors one after the other present 
their work to the audience in a lecture hall. Six poster ses- 
sions are held simultaneously. After the introductory talk, 
the authors proceed to the poster area and continue the 
explanation in front of their exhibition stand. All poster ses- 
sions will take place in the afternoon. 
Special Sessions (SS) Organised by the Council 
To enhance the dialogue between scientists, industry, pol- 
icy-makers and users, a series of special sessions will be 
held on issues which are expected to dominate our pro- 
fessions for years to come. Important inputs are the out- 
come of international congresses and technical meetings 
of the United Nations and of regional organisations organ- 
ised during previous years, as well as recent technological 
These sessions include invited speakers from the wider 
circle of organisations with strategic significance for the 
future activities of the ISPRS scientific community. They 
are organised by the ISPRS Council members. 
Exhibitor's Showcase Sessions (ES) 
Technical Sessions are being made available for presenta- 
tion by commercial firms engaged in photogrammetry, 
remote sensing, machine vision, spatial/geographical 
information systems or related technologies. Exhibitor's 
Showcase papers will be presented in the Forum hall 
between 13.00 and 17.00 hours. Sixteen sessions have 
been registered for presentations by commercial firms that 
take part in the exhibition. The sessions are chaired by 
experts nominated by the national committee. 
Add-on Sessions 
Special sessions have also been scheduled as a forum for 
the following international organisations: 
-  OEEPE (Organisation Européene d'Etudes Photogram- 
métriques Experimentales) 
- Special session for Gottfried Konecny to commemo- 
rate his 70th birthday 
- ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and 
Sites) in co-operation with UNESCO and CIPA (Inter- 
national Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry) 
- NSEOG (Netherlands’ Society for Earth Observation 
and Geo-Informatics) 
- Catcon 2 (Computer Assisted Contest) 
- OGC (Open GIS Consortium) 
- ISO Standards 
- LH Systems Panel Session in co-operation with ITC 
General Assembly (GA) 
The General Assembly will meet on Sunday 16 July from 
13.00 - 16.30 hours, Tuesday 18 July and Thursday 20 July 
from 15.00 - 18.00 hours and Saturday 22 July from 15.00 
- 17.00 hours in the Forum room. 
Sister Societies Meeting 
ISPRS Council meeting with Sister Societies will take 
place on Monday 17 July, 14.00 - 18.00 hours in the Am- 
sterdam Suite. 
Sustaining Members Meeting 
The meeting of the Sustaining members of ISPRS will take 
place on Thursday 20 July, 8.30 - 10.00 hours in Room O. 
The Local Organising Committee was supported for the 
management of the scientific programme by a Scientific 
Committee, which consisted of: 
Liaison to Commission | 
Liaison to Commission Il 
Liaison to Commission lll 
Liaison to Commission IV 
Liaison to Commission V 
Liaison to Commission VI 
Liaison to Commission VII 
Martien Molenaar 
Jan Cees Venema 
Lucas Janssen 
George Vosselman 
Martien Molenaar 
Frank van den Heuvel 
Klaas Jan Beek 
Jan Clevers 
8. Exhibitions 
The exhibition was open to all companies and organisa- 
tions with products and services in the fields of geographic 
information systems, mapping, photogrammetry, remote 
sensing , data processing, surveying, imaging, image pro- 
cessing, machine vision, computer graphics and related 
fields that are of interest to the Congress delegates. Com- 
prehensiveness stands central in the vision of ISPRS for 
the next century: the integration of remote sensing and 
photogrammetry, with value adding of the spatial/geo- 
information industries, harmonising technology push with 
user's pull, aiming at end-to-end solutions which can make 
a balanced contribution to the sustainability of the envi- 
ronment and the well-being of humanity. 
Ninty companies exhibited their products during the com- 
mercial exhibition, occupying a total floor space of over 
2000 m?. Some twenty exhibitors participated in the 
National and Scientific Exhibition. 
Some sixteen exhibitor showcases took place, organised 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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