Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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Karl Harmsen presenting the Otto von Gruber Award to 
George Vosselman and Helmut Mayer 
in 1942 in Jena. He obtained both his Ph.D. degree and his 
"habilitation" in Munich. He was Professor in Stuttgart and 
Scientific Director at Carl Zeiss, Jena. This Award recog- 
nises his extraordinary accomplishments in photogram- 
metry. It consists of a medal and a monetary grant and is 
given every four years to a young scientist, an author of a 
paper of outstanding merit. 
The winners of the Otto von Gruber Award in 2000 were: H. 
Mayer (Germany) and M.G. Vosselman (The Netherlands). 
Professor Helmut Mayer was appointed full Professor for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Institute for 
Photogrammetry and Cartography University of the Fed- 
eral Armed Forces Munich Germany in 1999. He received 
the award in recognition of his contribution to the evolution 
of spatial information sciences. Automated object extrac- 
tion from images is a very vital field of research. In his 
Habilitation and in the article with the title of "Automatic 
Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery — A survey Focusing 
on Buildings" he has presented an extensive survey and 
assessment of approaches and a synthesis of current 
knowledge in this field in a form of a combined model and 
strategy for object extraction. His outstanding research 
provides a solid basis for advances in automation and may 
the reward be a strong motivation for Professor Mayer to 
continue this excellent work. 
Professor M.G. Vosselman who chairs the Institute of Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Delft University 
of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo- 
sciences, The Netherlands, receives tha Award in recogni- 
tion of his achievements in the evolution of spatial infor- 
mation sciences as reflected in his paper "Interactive 
Alignment of parameterised Object Models to Images". 
This paper demonstrates a clear understanding of prior 
research work and presents with scientific rigour a new 
algorithm for semi-automated object extraction. The 
demonstrated practability of his approach opens promis- 
ing new opportunities for digital photogrammetry. May the 
prestigious award be a strong motivation for Professor 
Vosselman to continue his excellent scientific work. 
The Samuel Gamble Award 
Presented by: Heinz Ruether, ISPRS Treasurer 
at: 2nd General Assembly 
The Samuel Gamble Award is given in memory of Dr. 
Samuel Gill Gamble, who was Council Member, Treasurer, 
President and 1st Vice President of ISP in the years 1964 
- 77. His talent in leadership and skills in management 
have been of great importance for our Society. This Award 
was established by the Canadian Institute of Surveying 
and Mapping (now Canadian Institute of Geomatics) and 
was approved by ISPRS Council in 1985. The Award shall 
be given to no more than three persons at a Congress 
who, like Dr. Gamble, have contributed significantly to the 
development, organisation or professional activities of 
photogrammetry and/or remote sensing, at the national or 
international level. 
The winners of the Gamble Award in 2000 were: A. Abio- 
dun (UN-Nigeria) and B. Forster (Australia). 
The U. V. Helava Award 
Presented by: Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS President 
and by: Bruce Wald, President & CEO LH Systems, 
at: Opening Plenary Ceremony 
The U.V. Helava Award, sponsored by Elsevier Science 
B.V. and LH Systems, LLC, is a prestigious ISPRS Award, 
which was established in 1998 to encourage and stimulate 
submission of high quality scientific papers by authors to 
the ISPRS Journal, to promote and advertise the Journal, 
and to honour the outstanding contributions of Dr. Uki 
Helava to research and development in Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing. 
The Award is presented to authors of the Best Paper, writ- 
ten in English and published exclusively in the ISPRS Jour- 
nal during the four-year-period from January of a Congress 
year, to December of the year prior to the next Congress. 
The Award consists of a monetary grant of SFr. 10,000 and 
a plaque. The recipients of the Award may receive it only 
once. The very attractive plaque was designed by former 
ISPRS Commission Ill President Einari Kilpela and pre- 
pared by the Helsinki Institute of Technology. 
À five-member first jury comprising experts of high scien- 
tific standing evaluated all 119 papers published in the 
Larry Fritz and Bruce Wald presenting the Helava Award to M. 
Meister, A. Gruen and H. Dan 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A dam 2000. 

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