Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Council, Financial Commission and Honorary Members 
COUNCIL Financial Commission Honorary Members 
Mr. Lawrence W. Fritz Prof. Armin Grün George de Masson d'Autume 
Prof. John Trinder Mr Anders Boberg Prof. Friedrich Ackermann 
Prof. Klaas Jan Beek Dr Ivan Katzarsky Dr Frederick Doyle 
Prof. Heinz Rüther Mrs. Aino Savolainen Mrs. Aino Savolainen 
Prof. Shunji Murai Prof. Wang Zhizhou Prof. Gottfried Konecny 
Mr Marcio Barbosa Prof. Gottfried Konecny Prof. Wang Zhizhou 
Prof. Shunji Murai 
ISPRS General Assemblies 
Sunday 16 July 13.00 — 17.00 12. Proposed Amendments to the Statutes and Bylaws 
1. President's Welcome 13. Discussion of Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws 
2. Introduction of Invited Persons 
Tuesday 18 July 15.00-18.00 
3. Certification of Delegate Credentials 
14. Presentation of Awards 
4, Approval of Agenda 
14.1. Gamble Award 
5, Explanation of Voting Rights 
14.2. Dolezal Award 
6. Admission of New Members 
14.3. Helava Runner-up Certificates 
7. Changes of Category 
15. Election of Host for the 2004 Congress 
8. Members in Default 
16. Reports of Council 
9. Ratifications 
16.1. President 
9.1. New Awards - Helava; Cassinis 
16.2. Secretary General 
9.2.  Qifts - Young Authors; CATCON 
16.3. Treasurer 
9.3.  Memoranda of Agreement OOSA; ICORSE; SDH 
17. Ratification of the Congress Director 
9.4. Guidelines - Orange Book; Other 
18. Discussion and Decision on Strategic Plan 
9.5. Contracts - Journal, Highlights, Financial 
19. Nominations for Members of Council 
10. Presentation of Strategic Plan 
20. Decision on Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws 
11. Member Proposals to Host the 20th Congress in 
2004 21. Member Proposals to Host the Technical Commis- 
sions for 2000-2004 
11.1. China 
11.2. Spain Thursday 20 July 15.00 — 18.00 
11.3. Turkey 22. Election of President 
92 International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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