Full text: XIXth congress (Part B1)

Roman Arbiol 
artefacts and visual discrimination of small textures. The quantitative tests check for the real number of /ooks, the 
radiometric resolution, spatial resolution, contents of the speckle associated with the radar images, etc. 
The geometric control of the digital products is made using the ground control point measurements done during the field 
campaign. The points have been observed on the images and a comparison with the ground measurements has been 
done. Due to the poor image coherence near the water bodies a few points has been rejected but final result shows a very 
good geometric confidence. The planimetric test using 24 points shows a circular RMS error of 8.8 m. The altimetric 
test using 31 points shows a RMS error of 5.7 m. 
The most important conclusion is that single pass airborne interferometry is a reliable and operational tool for mapping 
missions in areas with severe cloud cover. Having become accustomed to the long stand-by of photographic missions in 
this type of area, the performance of the radar flights is a very pleasant surprise, even though some days can be lost due 
to excessively dense cloud cover or turbulence. 
On the other hand, a long period of time is required to process the radar data. This is due not only to the considerable 
computations, but also to the trial-and-error type of process mentioned earlier. Comparatively, the amount of hardware 
needed and time spent are several times greater than for an equivalent optical mission. Fortunately, the intensive 
computer-bound processes run in batch on a configuration that is easily scalable. 
Lira, J. (1999): Calidad de una imagen radar. Personal communication. 
Moreira, J. 1996. Airborne SAR: image generation and height precision DEM generation. In: International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, Austria, Vol. XXXI, Part B2, Commission II: 256-260, 1996. 
28 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part Bl. Amsterdam 2000. 

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