Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

) in 
Vittorio Casella 
We are grateful to the Italian National Research Project entitled Digital surface modelling by laser scanning and GPS 
for 3D city models and digital ortophoto, financed by the Italian Ministry of the University for the 1998 year, and 
chaired by the prof. Galetto, of the University of Pavia, for providing the data we used. We are also personally grateful 
to prof. Galetto for giving us some good suggestions on our job. 
We would like to thank the people who helped us to take ground measurements: the two technicians of our Geomatic 
Laboratory, geom. Paolo Marchese and geom. Giuseppe Girone, who also helped us to prepare some drawings, and Elio 
Haala, N., 1999. Combining multiple data sources for urban data acquisition. Proc. of the Photogrammetric Week 1999, 
Stuttgart, Germany. 
Jiang X. and Bunke H., 1994. Fast segmentation of range images into planar regions by scan line grouping, Machine 
Vision and Applications, No. 7, pp. 115-122. 
Maas H.-G., Vosselman G., 1999. Two algorithms for extracting models from raw laser altimetry data, ISPRS J. Photo- 
gramm. Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, No. 2-3, pp. 153-163. 
Ackermann F. (1996) — Airborne laser scanning for elevation models — GIM, Geomatics Info Magazine, Vol. 10, n. 10, 
1996, pp. 24-25. 
Casella V., Galetto R. (1998) — Tecniche innovative per il rilevamento terrestre, aereo e da satellite (Innovative techni- 
ques for terrestrial, airborne and satellite surveying) — Proceedings of the II ASITA Conference, Bolzano, Italy, No- 
vember 24-27, 1998, pp. 33-53. 
Kraus K., Pfeifer N. (1998) — Determination of terrain models in wooded areas with airborne laser scanner data — 
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Vol 53. n. 4, August 1998, pp. 193-203. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 163 

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