Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Roeland de Kok 
The results of the pixel based and the object-oriented classification of the SPOT images were compared, using a 
set of test areas distributed randomly over the image. A confusion matrix was built, giving the pixel numbers of 
the test areas of each class and the percentages of correctly and wrong classified pixels of each class. As the 
result shows, (Tables 2 & 3) the classifications do not differ considerably. This could be due to the similarity of 
the classifiers used and the generally rather simple task. 
Class Pixel Water Non-forest N. Pumilio N. Antarctica 
Water 0,0 0,02 - 
Non-forest 0,05 - 
N. Pumilio 0,96 003 
N. Antarctica 0,03 017 1 08 
General Accuracy 90,95 
Average Accuracy 93,21 
Table 2: Classification accuracy of the pixel based classification 
Class Pixel Water Non-forest N. Pumilio N. Antarctica 
Water 1459 | 100° Dew : : 
Non-forest 1606 = 097 - 0,03 
N. Pumilio 2442 - 0,02 0,96 0,02 
N. Antarctica 2617 - 0,08 0,05 0,87 
General accuracy 94,47 
Average accuracy 96,09 
Table3 Classification accuracy of the object oriented classification 
What the confusion matrix does not show are the different appearances of the two classification results. Whereas 
the pixel-based map (Figure 6 B) shows a kind of salt & pepper effect with single pixels being distributed in the 
two forest classes, the object-based classification (Figure 6 A) rather resembles a manually digitized map. 
In this case the result of the object-oriented classification is preferred because it comes closer to the situation in 
the field. In reality, the two Nothofagus species do not build mixed stands so the small dots seen in the forest 
classes of the pixel-based classification are mostly misclassified pixels. 
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© Water N. Pumilio o N. antarctica CO Non-forest 
Figure 7: Results of object-oriented (A) and pixel-based (B) classification 
220 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000.

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