Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Stefan Growe 
In this contribution the use of the knowledge based image interpretation system AIDA for the analysis of multitemporal 
remote sensing images was presented. General knowledge about scene objects, their structure, and their appearance in 
the sensor data is stored in a semantic net. Additional temporal information about object states, their duration, their proba- 
bility of occurrence, and knowledge about possible state transitions is represented by a state transition graph integrated 
within the semantic net. The system exploits the temporal knowledge to predict possible successor states of scene objects 
for the current image based on the object's state in the preceding image of the multitemporal sequence. Thus, the search 
space is reduced which accelerates the interpretation process. 
A probabilistic judgement calculus was suggested in order to compare competing scene descriptions and to select the most 
promising alternative. The semantic net of instances is transformed to a Bayesian network and the measurements in the 
sensor data are introduced and propagated through the network. An overall judgement is derived from the belief values 
of the topmost Bayes nodes. An advantage of the approach is the capability to consider the prior probabilities given by 
the temporal knowledge. In cases, where the evidence is identical for several alternatives, the most probable solution is 
judged best and therefore preferred in the ongoing analysis. 
The system was tested successfully for the detection of an industrial fairground in a set of four multitemporal aerial imag- 
es. The fairground can be recognized, because the cycle of inactivity, construction, activity, and dismantling was observed 
consecutively in the set of images. For the given example the probabilistic judgement approach was compared to an exist- 
ing possibilistic method. It was shown, that the exploitation of prior probabilities increases the efficiency of the interpreta- 
tion process. The number of necessary inference steps is reduced by up to 35%. 
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350 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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