Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Karsten Jacobsen 
met the photo coordinates and the photo orientations determined by GPS and IMU a combined intersection has been 
Bas computed and the resulting ground coordinates have been compared with the results of the controlled bundle block 
"ters. adjustment. 
matic T 
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1 + Lt T 1 4 t e m 
1 4 24 3 t Es x Fr . : : : 
ef s . / I } / [ Figure 7: discrepancies at ground coordinates X, Y left: check area 1, 
b x * - / s 7 above: check area 2 (check area 1: 10% of 1886 points, 
- € check area 2: 1% of the 51793 points are shown) 
* e 1 | t * 
1 Tg 94 l 
i a } 1 ty | 
+ 1 a 7 
— 4 4" 141 ent |: A + 
Fairy ' 
1 fl | | , à = 
mb ta n 
w" + + ! | * I 
+ * | | [ [ Af T t 
i T. 5 fl $70" 
+ a "+; 4h s 
} t | I y! Î t [ t - Figure 8: discrepancies at ground coordinates Z 
i. "t I "t «T 4 Jj left: check area 1 
: [ 1H above: check area 2 
g the j ii 
d by 
| by The results of both check area are similar. The first check area includes in total 1886 ground points, the second because 
undle of the automatic aero triangulation, 51793 points. Local systematic errors can be seen in the same way. 
is, by 
noved Xm vmi | zm | xum L vim | zim 
this check area 1 check area 2 
shift' RMS of absolute differences 0.42 0.18 0.85 0.34 0.26 1.05 
rence systematic differences -0.18 0.01 -0.59 0.08 -0.12 0.95 
itting RMS without systematic differences 0.38 0.18 0.61 0.33 0.24 0.46 
Table 4: discrepancies at the ground coordinates 
. The 
The lower accuracy in Z can be explained by the normal angle camera, that means the height-to-base-relation is 3.2 
(in the case of a wide angle camera 1.6), so the accuracy in Z should be 3.2 times the accuracy in X or Y. The 
dt required accuracy of 1m in X and Y has been reached. 
id the 
mined The small block, flown with the fast reacting platform and the digital camera Kodak DCS 520 could be checked 
1 also completely by control points. A bundle block adjustment without IMU-data is resulting in a sigma0 of 0.5pixel or 
0.35m on the ground. As mentioned before, it was not possible to separate the systematic GPS-errors from the 
misalignment, so it was necessary to fix the X0- and YO0-values. This resulted finally in a horizontal accuracy in the 
round range of 5m, sufficient for the project. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 433 

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