Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Christoph Kaeser 
The major input data is VECTOR25. VECTORGS is generated, using as background the pixel-maps (scanned national 
maps), with the following software: the semi-automated line-following software VTRAK from LASERSCAN for 
transportation network and forest limits ; MicroStation from BENTLEY for manual digitisation of areas and single 
symbols. For automatic extraction of buildings, L+T plans to use the KAMU/AUTOVEC pattern recognition and 
vectoring software developed at the ETH Zürich (Stengele, 1995; Frischknecht and Kanani, 1997). The transportation 
network exists over all Switzerland in vector format since the end of 1999. VECTOR25 have an RMS error of ca. 2.5- 
7.5 m and a maximum one of ca. 12.5 m (based on empirical values), including generalisation. They are topologically 
correct, but due to their partly automated extraction, some errors might exist. In addition, errors in orientation, size and 
shape of the objects, esp. the buildings, exist mainly due to generalisation. Figures 1 and 2 show some VECTOR25 data 
overlaid on the aerial images. Regarding buildings, occurring differences between VECTOR25 and reality include 
shifts, rotations, more objects in one VECTOR?2S5 buildings, digitisation errors (see top right image) etc. Regarding 
roads, problems occur in forests and their boundaries, urban areas (occlusions, shadows, trees, cars etc.). The general 
shape of VECTOR25 is correct (with more problems at intersections and squares), but even in this case vectors may 
pass on top of buildings, trees etc. Even the spectral properties of the roads may vary (see left and right image on 
bottom row of Fig. 2). For ATOMI, the VECTOR25 data are delivered in DXF format as polylines, together with any 
existing class attributes. The objects of VECTOR25 data are digitised for each map sheet into different DXF-layers in a 
so-called geometric-based form. To exploit the full potential of this vector data over Switzerland, they have to be stored 
in a GIS. This was the main reason for the establishment of a Geo-Topographical DataBase (GTDB). The system used 
is ARC/Info with Spatial Data Engine from ESRI using an ORACLE database running under Unix on an IBM platform. 
VECTOR25 consists at the moment of more than 3 million objects. In GTDB, they are integrated into the so-called 
semantic model. This model allows searching, e.g. for villages or rivers, and all the related objects are selected and 
Figure 1. Examples of VECTOR?2S data for buildings. 
Other input data are: the nation-wide DTM (DHM25) with 25 m grid spacing and an accuracy of 2.5 m in the lowlands 
and 10 m in the Alps ; the raster map (PIXELMAP) with its 6 different colour layers and the digital images. Other 
derived data used in the project, are DSMs (1-2 m grid, from 14-28 um images) and colour orthoimages (0.25 m pixel 
size), generated with PHODIS OP and TS. Currently, a test dataset in a region with representative topography and 
landcover for Switzerland is used (Albis, close to Zurich). The colour imagery has scale 1:15,000 (30 cm focal length), 
25% sidelap, and was scanned with 14 microns at a Zeiss SCAI scanner. At this region ground truth data (DTM, road 
464 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000.

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