Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Yuri Knizhnikov 
Statement of optimal aerospace generalisation and cartographic specifications for produced discrete images were 
defined. The optimum level of a generalization of produced discrete space images is determined on the basis of obtained 
relationship between sizes of a pixel and geometrical mean size of interpreted objects, and also by calculation of 
representational and photometric parameters of produced discrete image. 
The relationship between resolution of stereoscopic visual perception and pixel size of discrete space images was 
estimated. The value of a threshold of stereoscopic perception of spatial depth, which one characterizes the quality of 
discrete stereomodels, is directly proportional to the size of a pixel of discrete images of a stereo pair. The stereo test- 
object consisting of triplet of stereoscopically conjugated images was designed and produced for an estimation of 
quality of discrete stereomodels and its changes which characterized by value of a threshold of perception of spatial 
depth and the size of a pixel of discrete images of a stereo pair. Flattening coefficient of stereomodel was introduced for 
estimation of discrete stereomodels. The results of experimental stereoscopic recognition of different altitude forest 
elements, which are shown on three stereo pairs of discrete aerial photographs, demonstrate that the offered relations 
allow to estimate possibilities of interpretation of investigated geographic objects. 
The analysis of listed conclusions has allowed to reveal the generality of information procedures between visual 
perception and mapping interpretation of discrete aerospace images. 
This research is supported by The Russian Fund of Foundation Investigations (Grant N 98-05-64129). 
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514 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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