Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Claus Brenner 
e Semiautomatic systems have been reported (Grün and Wang, 1998, Gülch et al., 1999) which use aerial images and 
reduce the number of manual interactions required to acquire buildings compared to the fully manual case. 
e It can be doubted that automatic systems can achieve success rates comparable to human operators within the next 
few decades (this statement is due to W. Förstner, (Förstner, 1999)). 
e Companies which nowadays collect three-dimensional city models still rely almost exclusively on manual measure- 
ment, even though the measured models are not very detailed and/or relatively low accuracies are obtained. 
Considering the last two statements, it is our opinion that semiautomatic systems are the only way to serve todays needs. 
They can be used in large, practical projects, so feedback from users should lead to a fast evolution towards productive 
systems. They can also be taken as a kernel of a system where fully automatic algorithms can be incrementally tested 
and integrated. In our opinion, it is not only desirable to have semiautomatic systems which try to reduce the number of 
operator interactions per building. Rather, one would like to have a system which reconstructs a considerable number of 
buildings without any operator interference at all. Also, the system should point the operator to those buildings where 
the automatic reconstruction has possibly failed. Thus, it is our goal to increase the number of buildings amenable to an 
automatic reconstruction while of course keeping in mind that there will always be a certain percentage left which needs 
an additional operator-assisted treatment. 
In the past, we have reported on our fully automatic building reconstruction system, which relies on a laser scanning 
DSM and existing ground plans (Brenner and Haala, 1998). The major reconstruction steps of this system were (a) the 
subdivision of the ground plan into rectangular (2D) primitives, (b) selection of a three-dimensional primitive for each 2D 
rectangle based on analysis of the DSM (c) estimation of the parameters for each 3D primitive, and (d) assembly of all 3D 
primitives in order to obtain the model of the entire building. Considering the hierarchy of models in figure 1, the class of 
buildings that can be reconstructed this way (combined parametric) lies in between the class of parametric and the class 
of general polyhedral models. Naturally, if one wants to enlarge the number of buildings that can be modelled correctly, 
a more general building class has to be chosen. 
Parametric Combined Prismatic Polyhedral Ruled Freeform 
Figure 1: Classes of building models. 
2.1 Medial axis and straight skeleton 
Suppose a ground plan is given in form of a polygon P (a single, simple, planar polygon with no holes). One can imagine 
that from each polygon segment there emanates one plane with a given slope, inclined towards the interior of P (assume 
for the moment that all planes have identical slope). The intersections of the planes will yield crest lines (where two 
planes meet) and points (where three planes meet). When projected down into the plane of P, a planar graph G results. 
As the graph edges are projections of straight lines in 3D, they are themselves straight lines in 2D. 
The medial axis M(P) of P is the set of points inside P which have more than one closest point on the boundary of 
P. At a first glance, it seems that the points covered by a drawing of G and M(P) are identical. However, this is only 
true for convex P, since the medial axis for polygons with reflex vertices contains curved pieces, which cannot be part 
of G (Fig. 2(a)). Instead, the graph G can be constructed as straight skeleton S(P) (Fig. 2(b)). In order to define the 
straight skeleton, we can think of a "shrinking process" where the points of the original polygon P move inwards along 
their angular bisectors until either an “edge event” or a “split event” occurs ((Aichholzer and Aurenhammer, 1995), see 
also Fig. 2(c,d)). Following these events, one or two new bisectors are generated. Interestingly, the straight skeleton can 
neither be defined by a distance measure nor can its construction use a divide-and-conquer approach. An O(N log N) 
time complexity algorithm (which would be optimal) has not yet been found (Eppstein and Erickson, 1999). However, 
we shall not be concerned about time complexity here, since in our application, N is typically small. 
Given the polygon P and the slopes of all planes, the graph G — S(P) is determined uniquely. The class of roofs defined 
by the straight skeleton lies in between parametric and polyhedral models. By setting all slopes to zero, prismatic models 
can be handled. Saddleback roofs are obtained by setting the slope of two roof faces to infinity. However, straight skeleton 
roofs have only one single eaves height whereas combined parametric roofs may have multiple eaves heights. 
86 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000.

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