Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

F the movable 
' simplify the 
lirections and 
> the apparent 
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ose, we shall 
evaluate eqns 
te orientation 
) image space 
) object space 
] the C-spac 
image spaces 
ing, the fixed 
ing the imag 
Moreover, the 
spaces which, 
RDOVS idea 
moving. The 
ependent pair 
juently in this 
 R-space (see 
see Figure X 
> image Space 
space will be 
ft image axes. 
ng eqns. 1& 
$ technique is 
James Olaleye 
An element of one space can only cross to the other space by projection onto the apparent directions of the new space. 
If the scales of the two spaces are different, the projection must be scaled to conform to the new space. 
Any element moving from the C-space to the R-space must add to itself after projection, the vector which located the 
origin of the C-space. 
Any element moving from the R-space to the C- space must reduce itself before projection, by the vector which locates 
the origin of the C-space. 
These rules, aided by simple vector algebra produce the reduction equations. As will be demonstrated with an 
example, the ARDOV's development leads to routine simplicity of the reduction process. However, a key factor to 
bear in mind in the present problem is that the image R-space and the object C-space are one and the same space 
except that depending on the operation being performed, its axes are labelled with the appropriate direction vectors. 
Also, when the axes direction vectors carry the superscript (*) notation, they refer to an object space operation, 
otherwise, an image space operation is implied. 
(a) pa Í 
0, => x 
Figure 3: R-space and C-space notations in the ARDOVS concept 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 661 

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