Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

James Olaleye 
* GQT-D 
Where s is the scale from the object to image space obtained from absolute orientation computation. sl and s2 are the 
image space scales. 
For the left image we have: 
P, sj 
— KT 
and for the right image we have 
C (T b) 
P'=—-s|C,{7 -b) 
CT -b) 
where C,, C», C5 are obtained by evaluating equations 2 with the relative orientation information C | > C 2* Cs are 
obtained by evaluating equations 2 with he absolute orientation information. 
Computational steps 
I. Compute C, C», C; and c > C, , C from R.O and A.O elements. 
2. Compute 
C* (P, — P.) 
7=—|C.,(P, -P,) 
CT (P, - P.) 
670 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 
4. CO! 
5. REI

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