Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Calibrated Fiducial Coordinates in mm are: 
[x=-105.993, y=106.00], [x=-106.001,y=-106.008], [x=106.006,y=-106.008], [x=106.016,y=105.997]. 
The Transformation Parameters are: 
c,= -0.2471. 
b,=-0.2471 c¢,=-35.709 
Residuals in Pixel: 
[Rx=0.1897,Ry=-0.1918],[Rx=-0.1 897,Ry=0.1918],[Rx=0. 1897,Ry=-0.191 8],[Rx=-.1 897,Ry=0.1918]. 
The estimated variance component is: 
ol =0,1456 
Gamal Seedahmed 
The Hough space is analyzed via a quadratic surface. This surface is centered at the detected peak in 
the Hough space, see Fig. (4). After determining the coefficients of the surface much valuable 
information can derived from this surface, like translation, rotation, and stationary point classification 
(Strang, 1988), (Leon, 1998). The quadratic surface equation is: 
F(i,j) =k +kyi+kyj+ki®+kij+k,j> 
The computed coefficients of this surface render valuable information in the following format: 
This surface has been translated vertically from the standard position if the coefficients of 
i” and i are both nonzero. 
This surface has been translated horizontally from the standard position if the coefficients 
of j^ and j are both nonzero. 
This surface has been rotated from the standard position by an angle 0 that is not a 
multiple of 90* when the coefficient of ij is not zero. 
By computing the first and the second derivative of the surface we can build the Hessian 
matrix, from which we can compute the eigenvalues (A;, A;). The eigenvalues can be used 
to classify the surface at the critical points e.g. the origin. 
Circle | K, K, K; K4 Ks Ko | Orient 12; dirt SurDsp 
Inner | 9.08 -.0369 | .374 -.0093 | .0042 | .001 -11.1° | -.0196 | .0029 | Saddle 
Outer | 10.63 |.0135 |-.693 |-.020 | -.0004 | -.0328 | 178.8° | -.0418 | -.0658 | Max 
Table 2: Surface parameters and its derived properties for UL FM of the 8k x 8k image. 
Circle. .l K, K, K3 K4 Ks Kg Orient | À, M SurDsp 
Inner | 8.08 .025 354 .0004 | .0027 | .042 1.844° | .0009 | .0853 | Min 
Outer | 10.147 | -.069 | -.6235 | -.0129 | -.0086 | -.040 | 171.1° | -.0245 | -.0817 | Max 
Table 3: Surface parameters and its derived properties for LL FM of the 8k x 8k image. 
Circle | K, K, K; K4 Ks Ks Orient | A, À SurDsp 
Inner | 8.194 | .0064 | .300 ‚0105 | .00605 | .0169 | 111.8? | .0187 | .0362 | Min 
Outer | 10.364 | .0319 | -.6016 | -.0226 | -.0030 | -.0359 | 186.4° | -.0450 | -.0721 | Max 
Table 4: Surface parameters and its derived properties for UR FM of the 8k x 8k image. 
Circle | K, K, K3 K4 Ks Ks Orient | À, À SurDsp 
Inner | 8.3 0247 | .348 -.0005 | -.0029 |.0218 | 3.8° -.0014 | .0439 | Sadlle 
Outer | 10.56 | -.107 | -.586 | -.021 | -.0023 | -.0377 | 176.1° | -0418 | -.0757 | Max 
Table 5: Surface parameters and its derived properties for RL FM of the 8k x 8k image. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 829 

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