Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Jeffrey Shan 
3.2 Orientation parameters 
Exterior orientation parameters are determined by bundle adjustment with robust estimation. Different thresholds are 
tested to eliminate blunders remained from the previous automatic feature extraction and image matching step. As is 
shown in Tab.2, different thresholds have only minor affection on the final orientation parameters, however, the 
orientation angles show small instability relative to various thresholds. 
Tab.2 Exterior orientation elements 
Blunder Orientation (in deg.) Position (in m) 
threshold s = = X: 7 Z 
1.860 | -1.29535 | -0.10104 | -88.39527 46.482 605.524  |4202.176 
1.9600 | -1.29975 | -0.09158 | -88.39479 46.787 604.746 | 4202.268 
2.000 | -1.29859 | -0.08755 | -88.39251 46.691 604.342  |4202.119 
Tab.3 gives the estimated standard deviation for orientation parameters obtained from the covariance matrix in bundle 
adjustment. Comparing to the image scale of 1:27,000, the planimetric precision of the camera center is within 10 um or 
1/3 pixel, while the precision of Zc is approximately 0.002% flying height (4100m). Multiplying the standard deviations 
for ¢ and ® with flying height indicates that they are compatible with the precision of camera positions. Such a high 
precision is only made possible by the high redundancy in space resection and its good geometry of wide-angle 
photography. The standard deviation s, for image coordinates reflects the precision of feature extraction, image 
matching and other errors caused by image scanning, camera calibration and DTM interpolation etc. This value varies 
slightly with different blunder thresholds in bundle adjustment. 
Tab.3 Precision of orientation parameters estimated by covariance matrix 
s,=31.9um © © K Xe Ye Zc 
s(deg.,m) | 0.00325 | 0.00253 | 0.00110 | 0.264 0.230 | 0.091 
3.3 Ground points 
Ground coordinates for 25 check points, which are chosen by the test organizer, are obtained with the mono-image 
intersection method described in last section. The test organizer will use them as an external check. 
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed approach, 97 evenly distributed conjugate points are manually 
measured on the aerial image and orthoimage. The image coordinates on the orthoimage are scaled and translated to get 
the planimetric coordinates on the ground. Elevations for those ground points are then obtained through DTM 
interpolation. The derived 3-D ground coordinates will be used as either control points or check points to evaluate the 
proposed approach. 
The evaluation is first done on the designated 25 image points, whose coordinates on the aerial image are provided by 
the test organizer. In this case, the manual measurements are used as control points to estimate exterior orientation 
parameters. Mono-image intersection described in Section 2 is thereafter conducted to calculate the ground coordinates 
of those chosen points. Comparing thus obtained ground coordinates with the ones obtained from automatic image 
matching does the evaluation. Tab.4 shows their root mean square errors (RMSE), which reflect the influence of 
different exterior orientation parameters on ground coordinates. 
A first analysis on Tab.4 reveals that the proposed automatic approach virtually obtains the same elevation as the 
manual measurements do. This shows that the elevation accuracy for ground point is mainly dependent on DTM 
interpolation rather than space resection. The difference on planimetric coordinates is at the order of 1 pixel, even when 
large percentage of matched points is screened out in space resection. Since the manual measurement is performed on 
the screen in mono mode, space resection done with those measurements will be no better than the one from automatic 
matching. Thus, as a conservative estimation, when the two resection methods have the same affection on the RMSE in 
Tab.4, the variance of planimetric coordinates of ground points in automatic matching is 0.57m (0.7 pixel). 
834 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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