Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Masafumi Uehara 
We analyzed the EPI to make the slit image, and build the 
depth map. Figure 13(a) showed the 3D measured points on 
the depth-map and its histogram. Figure 13(b) showed the 
histogram on the X-Z plane. We can judge that the peak is 
about 5 — 7 meters from Figure 13(b). This part is supposed 
that the building surface faces the street. And the peaks on 
the histogram are the prospective of building boundary in 
Figure 13 (a). 
Using these results, we conducted the matching with the 
method from section 3.2. Figure 14(a) showed the image 
before matching. The straight lines on each image were 
signifying the pattern of building boundaries from a map. 
The lines in Figure 14(b) signify the building boundaries 
after matching. 
By the analysis above, we constructed the urban scene 
model. The texture data of buildings were brought every 
building from Figure 14(b) using building boundary 
information. The shape of building was expressed a 
rectangular parallelepiped, and putting the texture on it. 
Figure 15 showed the urban scene model. This model was 
not expressed sky texture. And the parts of unable 
observation at mobile observation had no texture. These 
parts looked black in Figure 15. In this model, it is possible 
to walk through and to locate a viewpoint freely. 
(a) Before matching 
(b) After matching 
Figure 14: Result of matching 
Figure 14: Result of construct model 
(a) showed the view at starting point of observation, 
(b) showed the view at moving point to the upper 
right from (a). (c) showed the view to the right 
forward after some advance. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 917 

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