Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Natalia Moskal 
L^ eu kj -Ra(R;AU Ry) (2.21) 
ky =-N'Npk,—NJ'CAU -N'®, (2.22) 
Here are introduced the following symbols 
2 , 2 2 
N, 2 DX, D'- -BX,B,, g=2+d, Np = Ni =-BE-B!, N.=|Z, +75, EL. 
q q us go 
0, =0, +53, , Q» 0, * Bjo,, Rp =S—NyN,1C, R20, -N4N,0,, 
Gs M, m NIN,RIR, NT! Rum -NANSN, HN 
11743 TN 11915 17 7a Np IN p TIN. 
The covariant matrix of adjusted vector AU is equal to S = (C M, SR UR 12 ) (2.24) 
Basing on the task described we can formulate new variants of aerotriangulation. For example when one part of the net 
is constructed by the method of models and another part is constructed by the method of connections. Such 
interpretation makes it possible to fulfill in a new way the densibleness of the net limited by the couple of the 
photographs. Besides it is possible to construct models of locality and relief. 
eu Let us discuss some partial tasks that proceed from generalized model (2. 10) and which are of practical interest for 
3.1.Measuring Y, was not made. 
It leads the general statement to the task of joint adjustment of functions of measured quantities and the control data 
with the mixed division of errors. Instead the system (2.10) we get 
De, + By +CAU +, =0, (31) 
(ec, = B, =S =0,=E, -0) 
—l c 
Then AU s -(CNIC) CN. (3.2) 
=] = 
Da (C Ny c) (3.3) 
3.2. The task is analogous to the previous but with the condition that for the errors € , and y the law of the division 
is normal (Gaussian). 
(2.19) "Tm 
AU = -(C'N C) € Nr 0, 
— / /, 
o finding of Then d = 0 and N, E DEZ. D'- B, By. (34) 
0, 20. 
(2.20 Zr - is expressed by the equation (3.3) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 629 

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