Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Buchroithner, Manfred 
S SZ P,B,O.C M |M |A H | vectographs 
S,Sz, P,B,0,C M |M |A S | shutter 
s m P B,O,C LT F | S,H | image splitter 
s, Sz, P, B, O, C H IM | A S | digital stereoscope (HMD) 
8, Sz, P, B,O, C M IL A | H [conventional stereoscope 
n Sz, P,B,O,(C) LIE F | S,H | autostereogramme* 
Pulfrich Effect | © S.Sz PB,O,C M IL A S | SpatialVisionTM ** 
Em | S 
Chen sf 8 S, Sz, (P), (B), 0,(C©) |L |M | A | SH | ChromadepthTM ** 
S "Ae 
movies ë 2D IS, Sz, P. (B), O, (CO) M IL F S |fly-by animations 
still graphics S 2D |S,Sz, P, (B), O, (C) L dL F | S,H |perspective rendering 
Compilation: Robert Schenkel 
* including parallar & cross eyed stereopairs as well as single image stereogramms (SIS, RDS) 
** stereoscopic effect based on optical filters (none image splitting), thus sharp 2D-image is viewable without 
viewing (Vg): F-free, A-aided 
method (Md): S-softcopy, H-hardcopy 
Degrees of freedom (DF): S-shape, Sz-Size, P-pattern, B-Brightness, O-orientation, C-color 
Degrees of perception (DP): | H-high, M-medium, L-low 
Degrees of immersion (DI): H-high, M-medium, L-low 
The basic idea of the user-oriented 3D-techniques is to supply the user with a more realistic representation which 
can be perceived as a sort of “real-world-scene”. 
Since the human user tends to organise each conception or imagination into a sort of “real-world-scene” it could 
be assumed that the step from a “real” three-dimensional representation into that virtuality is relatively small 
compared to one from a rather schematic, two-dimensional representation. 
Nevertheless, this advantage must again be materialised with regard to the respective purpose. 
The complexity of the derivation of a certain information strongly depends on the context in which it is to be 
derivated and also, in relation to that, on the characteristics of the visual process. 
“Recovery of 3D shape is assumed in most object recognition schemes and may be beneficial in specifying the 
function of an object to the observer (Andersen 1996) (see also Figure 1 “users’ filters"). 
Hence, the coding parameters described in Sections 3-5 have to be organised and used in a proper way, 
according to the purpose and, first of all, to the capacity of the respective display technique. 
Whereas the cues are the more detailed parameters, the three groups of stimuli classes of a display add further 
complex parameters describing the respective properties of a display 
- Physical Properties 
- Gestalt Properties 
- Cognitive Properties. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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