Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Bürger, Thomas 
Thomas Bürger, Wolfgang Busch 
Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany 
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Mine Surveying 
thomas.buerger@tu-clausthal.de, wolfgang.busch@tu-clausthal.de 
KEY WORDS: As-built-documentation, Plant-engineering, Close-range-photogrammetry, CAD/CAE. 
While as-built-documentation of process plants has been performed manually until now, modern survying technics like 
close-range photogrammetry and electronic tachymetry offer advantages for this task. The present paper reports of recent 
experiences using close-range photogrammetry for as-built-documentation. They show that the survyer’s work will be 
significantly easier if he uses information from the developer’s catalog-data and the design-rules from plant-engineering. 
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui la documentation "tel que construit" s'est réalisée encore fréquemment manuellement. Pourtant les 
techniques modernes de la photogrammétrie terrestre et de la tachymétrie électronique ont de nombreux avantages. Cette 
publication donne un compte rendu d'expériences de l'utilisation de la photogrammétrie terrestre pour la documenta- 
tion “tel que construit”. Celles-ci montrent que le travail du géomètre peut-être largement facilité par l’utilisation des 
normes industrielles et des règles de construction spécifiques à la technique des installations industrielles au cours de 
l’interprétation des images. 
Bis heute wird die As-Built Dokumentation einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage häufig noch händisch durchgeführt. Mod- 
erne Techniken der Vermessung, wie die Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie und die elektronische Tachymetrie haben demge- 
genüber einige Vorteile. Diese Verôffentlichung berichtet über Erfahrungen beim Einsatz der Nahbereichsphotogramme- 
trie für die As-Built Dokumentation. Die Erfahrungen zeigen, daß die Vermessungsaufgabe erleichtert werden kann durch 
Einbeziehung von Normdaten und Konstruktionsregeln des Anlagenbauers in den Auswerteprozess. 
It is necessary to have a documentation of chemical and process plants after the construction phase is completed and to 
update the documentation repeatedly during the entire time the plant operates. 
As far as the plant's geometry is concerned, this was formerly documented by drawings and is today mostly presented in 
3D CAD models. This is called as-built-documentation. 
In recent years the use of close-range photogrammetry has become increasingly popular as a means of as-built- 
documentations, because it offers a number of advantages over manual measuring especially in chemical plants (Przybilla, 
95) and power plants (Kamsties, 92): 
e Only a very short time in situ is needed to record the images. 
e Photogrammetric results are reliable and can easily be verified. 
e The total plant geometry can be easily described in a series of images that allows the reconstruction of CAD models 
on every desired level. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 107 

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