Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Faber, Petko 
by the model seat occupation detection. In fig. 5 k) + 1) the projection of the 3-D point set forming the approximation 
of a sucessfully approximated human’s head is sketched. Assuming, that the approximation is correct, we can use the 
determined parameter of the ellipsoid to control the airbag deployment. The parameter set of the sketched ellipsoid are: 
Fm = 204.56 mm, y,, = 302.25 mm, zn = —579.66 mm, and A =— 116.92 mm, B — 94.24 mm, C z 76.78 mm 
corresponding the the head length 2- A, head height 2- P and head breadth 2-C' (cf. the values in section 3.1). 
The reliability of the results of the module seat occupation detection is very high. If a seat is occupied by a human (or 
any significant object) in reality it is always classified as occupied. The reliability of the results of the module passenger 
detection and localization shows some weak points up. Thus e.g. the "plausible" possibility of the approximation of a 
shoulder or the head restraint exists as human's head. Likewise the reliability of a reliable detection causes difficulties. In 
these cases the justified assumption exists that a sequence processing brings the desired stability. 
The presented results show that the objective, the detection and localization of passengers inside vehicles, can be reached 
using the described computational structure. If a seat is occupied by a human it is possible to detect and localize the 
human’s head as the most distinguished part of the body. 
The achievable results then can give the necessary information wether and how an airbag has to be deployed in the case 
of an accident to protect the passengers inside a vehicle against heavy violations. 
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236 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 
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