Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

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Finat, Javier 
The neck bottle is linked to the treatment of mobile data. The continuity properties of rigid transformations acting onto 
articulated mechanisms allow us to obtain parcels of integral curves onto the postures spaces, whose properties give 
certificates to evaluate the correctness of the current trajectory w.r.t. the desired or planned trajectory. One can perform a 
probabilistic evaluation of certificates based on a proximity notion between current and desired trajectories inside a tubular 
neighborhood corresponding to a dynamical extension of the usual kinematic marginal stability criteria. The framework 
for this extension would must be an extension to the 3D case (including dynamic effects) of the Kinetic Data Structures 
(KDS) (Guibas, 1998). 
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space. In: CLAWAR’98 (Climbing and Walking Robots) First International Symposium (Brussels, 26-28 November), 
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Hirose, S., H. and K.Yoneda, 1998. Normalized energy stability margin: Generalized stability criterion for walking 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 245 

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