Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Fua, Pascal 
where Pri(x,y,z) and Pri(z,y,2) denote the two image coordinates of the projection of point (z, y, z) in image 7 
using the current estimate of the camera models; (dz;, dy;, dz;) represents the 3-D displacement of vertex à to conform 
to the actual face shape; and, € ui» Eyi are the projection errors to be minimized. The camera position parameters can be 
recovered by minimizing the sum of the squares of the € id and e ul with respect to the six external parameters of each 
camera and the (dz, dyi, dz;) displacement vectors. The solution can only be found up to a global rotation, translation 
and scaling. To remove this ambiguity, we fix the position of the first camera and one additional parameter such as the 
distance of one vertex in the triangulation. 
Robust Bundle Adjustment If the correspondences were perfect, the above procedure would suffice. However, the 
point correspondences can be expected to be noisy and to include mismatches. To increase the procedure’s robustness, we 
introduce the two following techniques. 
Iterative reweighted least squares. We first run the bundle adjustment algorithm with all the observations of Equation 1 
having the same weight. We then recompute these weights so that they are inversely proportional to the final residual 
errors. We minimize our criterion again using these new weights and iterate the whole process until the weights stabilize. 
Regularization. We prevent excessive deformation of the bundle-adjustment triangulation by treating the bundle-adjustment 
triangulation’s facets as C? finite elements and adding a quadratic regularization term to the sum of the squares of the e, ; 
and e, ; of Equation 1. : 
For the image triplet formed by the central image of the video sequence of Figure 8(a) and the images immediately 
preceding and following it, the procedure yields the bundle-adjustment triangulation's shape depicted by Figure 9(e.f). 
By repeating this computation over all overlapping triplets of images in the video sequences we can compute the camera 
positions depicted by Figure 9(g). 
4.1.2 Model Fitting Given the camera models computed above, we can now recover additional information about the 
surface by using a simple correlation-based algorithm (Fua, 1993) to compute a disparity map for each pair of consecutive 
images in the video sequences and by turning each valid disparity value into a 3-D point. Because, these 3-D points 
typically form an extremely noisy and irregular sampling of the underlying global 3-D surface, we begin by robustly 
fitting surface patches to the raw 3-D points. This first step eliminates some of the outliers and generates meaningful local 
surface information for arbitrary surface orientation and topology (Fua, 1997). 
Our goal, then, is to deform the generic mask so that it conforms to the cloud of points, that is to treat each patch as 
an attractor and to minimize its distance to the final mask. In our implementation, this is achieved by computing the 
orthogonal distance d? of each attractor to the closest facet as a function of the z,y, and z coordinates of its vertices and 
minimizing the objective function: 
Gau. Q) 
Control Triangulation In theory we could optimize with respect to the state vector P of all x, y, and z coordinates of 
the surface triangulation. However, because the image data is very noisy, we would have to impose a very strong regu- 
larization constraint. Instead, we introduce control triangulations such as the one shown in Figure 7(c). The vertices of 
the surface triangulation are "attached" to the control triangulation and the range of allowable deformations of the surface 
triangulation is defined in terms of weighted averages of displacements of the vertices of the control triangulation (Fua 
and Miccio, 1998). 
Because there may be gaps in the image data, it is necessary to add a small stiffness term into the optimization to ensure 
that the displacements of the control vertices are consistent with their neighbors where there is little or no data. As before, 
we treat the control triangulation'$ facets as C? finite elements and add a quadratic stiffness term the objective function 
of Equation 2. 
Because there is no guarantee that the image data covers equally both sides of the head, we also add a small number of 
symmetry observations between control vertices on both sides of the face. They serve the same purpose as the stiffness 
term: Where there is no data, the shape is derived by symmetry. An alternative would have been to use a completely 
symmetric model with half of the degrees of freedom of the one we use. We chose not to do so because, in reality, faces 
are somewhat asymmetric. Because the control triangulation has fewer vertices that are more regularly spaced than the 
surface triangulation, the least-squares optimization has better convergence properties. Of course, the finer the control 
triangulation, the less smoothing it provides. By using a precomputed set of increasingly refined control triangulations, 
we implement a hierarchical fitting scheme that has proved very useful when dealing with noisy data We recompute the 
facet closest to each attractor at each stage of our hierarchical fitting scheme, that is each time we introduce a new control 
triangulation. To discount outliers, we also recompute the weight associated with each attractor and take it to be inversely 
proportional to the initial distance of the data point to the surface triangulation. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 

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