Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

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Georgopoulos, Andreas 
In the present case the scope of the visualisation was to arm the local authorities with a tool in hand in order to enable 
them achieve two goals. The first one was to persuade the local community to accept the proposed action of reviving the 
abandoned settlement, as the population presents mainly a sentimental resentment towards their destroyed houses. The 
second goal was to persuade state authorities to consider the problem and ensure the necessary funds for the whole 
operation. Hence a visualisation was needed, among others, which would show that the means for a reconstruction were 
indeed available and that such an effort would be worthwhile both for the local population as well as for the welfare of 
the island. 
Figure 4. The visualisation output from a similar viewpoint of Figure 5 
Therefore this work aimed at a general visualisation of the old settlement at a relatively small scale with minimum 
detail, but enough to achieve its aim. It was considered appropriate to use the relatively simple rendering possibilities 
offered by AutoCAD in order to serve these goals. Hence the 3-D data in the wireframe form (Figure 3) were rendered 
appropriately in order to produce the desired result (Figure 4). The comparison of an old amateur photograph (Figure 5), 
taken before the earthquake (Ministry of the Aegean, 1999), with the result of this study leaves no doubts whatsoever 
about the power of the rendering process. 
Figure 5. An amateur's photograph, taken before the earthquake, portraying the old settlement 
(Ministry of the Aegean, 1999) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 289 

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