Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Georgopoulos, Andreas 
This project has shed light to several issues concerning the 3-D visualisation process. As far as the data sources are 
concerned it has been established that both vector and raster raw data may be exploited to serve the needs of such an 
application. Non-metric old amateur photographs have proven invaluable, because they convey rich qualitative 
information about the reality to be represented. This becomes even more significant for those cases that the object does 
not exist any more. Modern software packages enable the integration of data from radically different data sources. 
Digital photogrammetric techniques play an important role to visualisation applications by minimising the processing 
times and by allowing the representation of non existing objects but captured on old resources. Finally, such outputs as 
the produced visualisation can be used as strong promoting media for the reconstruction efforts in cases of destroyed 
settlements or other similar projects. 
Anastassopoulou A., Kappatou G., 1998. Photogrammetric representation and visualisation of the destroyed settlement 
of the Agios Efstratios Island. Diploma Thesis. Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical 
University of Athens, Greece, (In Greek) 
Georgopoulos A., Nakos B., Mastoris D., Skarlatos D., 1997. Three dimensional visualization of built environment 
using digital orthophotography. Photogrammetric Record, 15(90), pp. 913-921. 
Guerra F., Balletti C., 1999. 3D reconstruction for the representation of the church of S. Marino: solid modelling, 
mapping, CAD, Photogrammetry. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Thessaloniki, 
Greece, Vol. XXXIII, Part SW11, pp. 210-214. 
Lammi, J., 1999. A Method for Three-Dimensional Modelling of Buildings from Digital Aerial Imagery. Acta 
Polytechnica Scandinavica, Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series, No. 117. 
Ministry of the Aegean, 1999. Ai-Stratis. Photographic Traces (1940-1970). ISBN 960-7859-22-7, p. 217. (In Greek) 
Nakos B., Tzelepis N., 1998. A 3-D Realistic Representation of Urban Space. Proceedings of 5™ National Cartographic 
Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. (In Greek) 
Riedl, A., 1999. Virtual Globes — A New Era for Globes? Proceedings of 19" International Cartographic Conference, 
Ottawa, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 649-656. 
Schielcher, M., Guo Z., Klaus M., Roschlaub R., 1999, Aufbau von 3D-Stadtmodellen auf der Basis von 2D-GIS. 
Photogrammtrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation, Heft 3, pp. 157-170. 
290 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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