Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Handmann, Uwe 
sensors (e.g., Radar, Lidar and image processing) can be incorporated for the analysis and interpretation of the scene to 
increase the quality of the system. In the part of the scene interpretation, neural field dynamics (Amari, 1983) will be 
used to stabilize the given object hypotheses with an adequate interaction kernel. For behavior planning a dynamical 
system is supposed to be realized as well. A successful solution to a behavior planning using this method was presented 
by (Handmann et al., 2000b). 
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Handmann, U., Kalinke, T., Tzomakas, C., Werner, M. and von Seelen, W., 1998a. An Image Processing System for 
Driver Assistance. In: IV’98, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles 1998, IEEE, Stuttgart, Germany, 
pp. 481 — 486. 
Handmann, U., Kalinke, T., Tzomakas, C., Werner, M. and von Seelen, W., 1998b. Computer Vision for Driver Assistance 
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Handmann, U., Kalinke, T., Tzomakas, C., Werner, M. and von Seelen, W., 2000a. An Image Processing System for 
Driver Assistance. Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier) 18(5), pp. 367 — 376. 
Handmann, U., Leefken, I., Steinhage, A. and v.Seelen, W., 2000b. Behavior Planning for Driver Assistance using Neural 
Field Dynamics. In: NC 2000, second international symposium *Neural Computation', Berlin, Germany. 
Handmann, U., Leefken, L, Tzomakas, C. and von Seelen, W., 1999. A Flexible Architecture for Intelligent Cruise 
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Handmann, U., Lorenz, G., Schnitger, T. and von Seelen, W., 1998c. Fusion of Different Sensors and Algorithms for 
Segmentation. In: IV'98, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles 1998, IEEE, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 499 
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Zhuang, Q., Gayko, J. and Kreutz, M., 1998. Optimization of a Fuzzy Controller for a Driver Assistant System. In: 
Proceedings of the Fuzzy-Neuro Systems 98, München, Germany, pp. 376 — 382. 
354 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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