Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Ito, Juko 
dramatic treatment was typical Hellenistic characteristic. Right at the foot of the Heroon was the start line of the 
Stadion, and the eyes of the audiences were fastened on athletes at the moment of starting. The Heroon behind even 
more emphasized this dramatic scene as a theatrical background and took a role to honor the athletes. 
5.6 View from the race truck against Mt Ithome 
The athletes started from the line just at the foot of the Heroon. The length of the course was 500 ft which was 100 ft 
shorter than usual ones, the reason of which we do not know. The view from the race course was nothing but a grand 
spectacle; rows of seats with a VIP box on the right, the pi-shaped stoas which surrounded the Stadion on three sides, 
and the acropolis of Mt Ithome in front, where the sanctuary of Zeus Ithomatas might have been located (Fig. 11). All 
these were arranged symmetrically around the axis of the stadion and the athletes ran on this axis toward the direction 
of the acropolis. The perspective view of the Stadion and the Stoas against the acropolis at their vanishing point was one 
of the forerunners of a series of Hellenistic site planning of this kind. 
Fig. 11 Photo montage of Mt. Ithome 
and the CG image of the Stadion. The 
acropolis is right on the axis of the 
| the 
) for 
Fig. 12 A view of the Stadion from 
southeast in 1998. The race course 
was still under excavation. The 
seats were fairly well preserved, 
although they were partly distorted 
by small land move. 
ene by 3D CG certainly made it possible not only for specialists but 
also for non-specialists to have much better three dimensional comprehension the site. We reached the results; firstly, 
| three grave monuments in front of the Propylon were placed quite intentionally to show their architectural grandeur and 
to impress the wealth and honor of the families to the visitors to the Stadion, secondly, the Stadion was sited at all 
possibilities in accordance with the direction to the acropolis of Mt Ithome and the surrounding colonnades of the stoas 
had a role to strengthen the axiality of the site and to exaggerate the dramatic visual effect of the Stadion. And this site 
planing was the very idea of Hellenism and the idea was transmitted to the Roman town planning during the imperial 
Reconstruction of the archaeological sites of Mess 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 399 

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