Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

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Kochi, Nobuo 
For road planning or reparation, it is often 
necessary to accurately find the various features of 
the road such as manhole, road signs, stop-line, 
crossing lines etc. So, we tested our device to 
make an accurate layout plan of the road 
intersection with our DI-1000, GPT and FC-10A. 
We connected DI-1000 and GPT on-line. Then we 
measured and made orientation and supplement 
measurement to produce an ortho-image. After that 
we applied our software DI-1000 and FC-10A 
(Topcon Digital Plain Table software), which are 
both installed in the same Pen-Computer, on the 
obtained ortho-image to produce the finale layout 
plan of the road intersection. 
For photographing we used RDC5000 (Ricoh CCD 
Camera) of 2.3 million pixels. We got on the 
stepladder of 2.5m and took picture of the area of 
about 40m X 15m. We took two pictures with 
slightly different perspective (See: Figure 5 right 
below). And on GPT-1002 we determined 6 main 
targets which are different for two photos and 30 
supplemental targets altogether, which makes 42 
targets in total. 
The figure 5 above shows what came out of 
superimposing the ortho-image, which had been 
obtained from two pictures with DI-1000, on the 
image, which had been produced out of the ortho- 
image by FC-10A. The figure 5 below is its flat 
layout plan. 
Since the object of survey is a two-dimensional 
road intersection we did not use stereo-photography. 
The accuracy of the image depends on the degree 
of image-resolution and the accuracy of GPT 
measurement. It is = 5cm. For the map of scale 
1/500 this would be sufficient for practical purposes. Figure 5. Making layout plan superimposing Ortho-image 
To grasp and find the way to tackle with the dangerous spot of land, for example, we must first find out its three- 
dimensional features by gathering the basic data necessary for analyzing the situation. 
However, where the land is steep it is difficult to grasp the actual facts. Besides, up to now, even if the immediate action 
was necessary, we could not but spend a lot of time (more than a week) to gather necessary basic data and facts. 
Or again, when the object is irregular and complex, we need to have multiple three-dimensional data in order to make 
an accurate ortho-image. If we use GPT it is not difficult to obtain the measurement points, but unfortunately it takes 
time to get measurement of each point. Besides, some inaccuracy could creep in, as it is actually impossible to make 
physical access to the points. To overcome such inconveniences, we have now developed a software to easily obtain an 
accurate ortho-image. Using the several measurement points obtained from GPT as initial values, we can automatically 
measure from the stereo images it produces. 
In order, therefore, to investigate the problems and to test the accuracy of stereo-matching with GPT (T IN), we made a 
simulation experiment of measuring three-dimensional object. 
In this experiment we chose a cliff side and placed 24 targets against the wall and we measured them with GPT and DI- 
1000, which are linked together for the on-line measurement and relative orientation. For stereo-photographing we 
used Nikon digital camera D1 set at 8m from the object. And the data was brought back to the office and processed 
through stereo-matching measurement of PI-2000 and the three-dimensional data was again fed back to DI-1000 to 
produce the final image. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 437 

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