Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Legenstein, Dietmar 
Using all these parts with equation (2.2-7) leads to the differential, where further abbreviations are used: 
JE, 1 nj l m i li i 
— = (s [s R. F R mtn Wis. (2.2-14) 
ox. SS n MiURUI M l j 
! k k 
1 "onn mei 
r" 2| ó" -— pli | SV — (2.2-15) 
nn, S S, 
In the differentials for the variants of the condition of contour (2.1-1, 2.1-2) the tensors degenerate to the one-element, 
leading to the following differentials: 
oE | seat ; 
SR yu Ren) (2.2-16) 
QE, 1 | d : 
2 = «(s 1” M R,F, p Rn n) (2.2-17) 
OX; n*n, 
Differentials for the surface parameter a; According to (2.2-6) the vector s does not depend on the surface- 
parameters. Therefore the derivative of s with respect to a; is Zero. 
The differentiation of (2.1-3) with the chain-rule leads to: 
9E, 9E, on, Ou (2.2-18) 
da, On, OyN, 0a 
The differential G i — M" is a double indexed tensor. Due to the strong dependency on the equation for the surface, 
a further calculation is pointless: 
: 1 
da, Jin sts, 
The differentials for the variants of the condition of c 
sores og (2.2-19) 
ontour (2.1-1, 2.1-2) are analogous to (2.2-16, 2.2-17): 
JE ; I 
kw si RG (2.2-20) 
JE, M. i 
2. mj ; ! io 
EST" R;G, (2.2-21) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 477 

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