Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

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Bitelli, Gabrielle 
More than other classic photogrammetric products, in the restoration sector orthophoto has the advantage of combining 
image metric quality with the possibility of obtaining information about the type of material, state of conservation and 
deterioration (for example, the presence of humidity, wall surface erosion, etc.). 
The validation tests carried out on the digital photogrammetry station used revealed the current limitations of fully 
automated procedures and their sensitivity to the definition of some parameters. 
If automatic DSM generation is now definitely an interesting practice for substituting a repetitive and expensive stage of 
conventional photogrammetric production, it is evident that the DSM generated requires accurate editing in order to 
correct errors, sometimes particularly large, which are introduced by automatic matching. 
One very interesting point which emerged is linked to the possibility that an accurate photogrammetric survey, by using 
digital processing techniques and with integrated manual-automatic vectorising procedures, can constitute a valid 
support for decision-making procedures and the operative stages of restoration. In this context, the generation of digital 
orthophotos opens the way to new methods for approaching photogrammetric data, considered an open archive which 
can be accessed to directly carry out metric surveys. 
The authors would like to thank Menci Software. The research is partially supported by the CNR (Italian National 
Research Council) *Progetto Finalizzato Beni Culturali". 
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Geophysical Society XXIV General Assembly, the Hague, 19-23 April. 
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heritage: a few examples in the fortified island of Malta. 2°™ congrés international sur “science et technologie pour la 
sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel dans les pays du bassin méditerranéen", 5-9 Juillet, Paris, France (in print). 
Hahn M., Fórstner W., 1988. The Applicability of a Feature Based Matching and a Least Squares Matching Algorithm 
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Heipke C., 1996. Overview of Image Matching Techniques. Proceedings of the OEEPE Workshop on Application of 
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rappresentazione del territorio. Ph.D. Thesis, DISTART, University of Bologna. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 69 

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