Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

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Future work has to concentrate on the integration of the components in one user-friendly real-time measurement system, 
and on further improvement of the accuracy of the system. 
The precision of this system could be improved by a higher camera resolution. The cameras used in this research have a 
relatively low (standard video) resolution. The precision and the reliability may be improved by adding more cameras to 
the system. However, this has the disadvantage of a larger and thus less flexible system. Adding more cameras has the 
advantage that different non-correlated models can be compared and combined into one final model. More research has 
to be performed on the use of texture projection. Adding texture projection improves the matching process and thereby 
the accuracy of the resulting DSM. Experiments with different types of texture projection could be carried out. 
The authors would like to thank the *Centre for Human Drug Research' in Leiden, The Netherlands, that provided the 
video cameras and ‘Het Groene Hart Ziekenhuis’ in Gouda, The Netherlands, for letting us work with their patients. 
Finally we would like to thank the patients who were willing to participate in the experiments. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 91 

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