| of
The classification procedure started with the selection of
representative ground truth pixels. Considering homogeneity
2.6 % of all pixels were selected. Following the usual rule of
thumb, 2/3 part was the training set and 1/3 part the test set. The
design and training of the neural networks had only used the
training set, while the test set is created for independent quality
measurement. The content of the training set is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Content of the training set
2.2. Neural thematic classification
The thematic classification procedure can be realized by several
types of artificial neural networks. The mostly used types are
the feed-forward networks. These networks get the inputs — in
our mapping process the intensity values of the satellite image —
let these values through the layers and produce the output,
which is a class membership. The only requirement to make
correct decisions is the existence of exact network parameters.
In the experiment the independent intensity values were present
as network inputs. From the variety of possible neural network
structures l've selected one, which could process the raw
intensities, i.e. there was no need for previous coding or e.g.
binary conversion. The second point of view in the network
type selection was the computation speed. To find the correct
network parameters, the training could take long, therefore
efficient network structure, and adequate learning and training
algorithm was searched for. The selection of the network's
transfer function belongs also to this design phase. The network
shall produce a list number that represents directly the thematic
class. It was a further selection criterion, which is important for
the output layer.
Feed-forward neural networks can be determined by the
training. The training of these networks is backpropagation.
Backpropagation is an iterative training method, where in the
first step random network parameters (neuron weights and
biases) are selected. The following repeated steps calculate the
network's output, the required output is compared to the
calculated one, the difference (the so-called network error) is
computed and at the end these differences are “propagated
back" to the network parameters. The most important moment is
therefore the modification of the parameters. The calculation of
the parameters’ change requires the differential function of the
transfer function. The easier the calculation is the faster is the
After all the mentioned reasons the following network structure
was chosen. The proposed neural network had three neuron
layers. Authors have pointed that most of the technical problem
could be solved by such networks and the complexity is yet
acceptable. The transfer function of the first and second
(hidden) layers is the tangent sigmoid (tansig), in other words
the tangent hyperbolic transfer function. The formula of the
calculation is
Barsi, Arpad
f (x) = tanh(x) = e C. 2 x
e +e* l+e
and the derivative function is not too much difficult
^ d, X 2
f 9 1 [Fo]
The transfer function of the last (output) layer is linear
(purelin), so the network was able to produce an output in a free
f(x) = x
The derivative function of the last transfer function is constant,
namely 1. While using a linear output layer the desired class
membership could arise on a single neuron. It means that the
last layer had only one computing element.
The goal of the current experiment was to bring expression on
handling e.g. neighborhood information, which increases the
dimensionality of the training set, therefore a very effective
training mechanism is essential. From mathematical
optimization the Levenberg-Marquard (LM) optimization was
selected. The LM-algorithm is a fast training method, it requires
large memory, but the training is really quick. This method is
realized in the applied Toolbox with an extended memory
management option: the usage of the memory is scalable,
depending the need and existence of computer RAM.
The network error was calculated with the mean squared error
(mse) performance function. The learning has applied the
gradient descent learning function with momentum/bias option.
The option makes possible to force further learning when a local
error minimum is found.
The training is repeated till a desired error goal is reached. The
goal value is an important designing parameter.
The designed neural network had 7 inputs as LANDSAT TM
has 7 channels.
The computation of the output is after following formula
y = f,(W, F(W, AW, :X+b,)+b,)+b;)
where fj, f,. fs are the transfer functions, W,. W,,
Wi,the layers" weight matrices, b,, b,, b, the layers? bias
vectors, X the input intensity vector and y the output class
membership. The training procedure deals with the
determination of the correct values of the unknown weight and
bias values. The design of such networks is also iterated: several
layer structures (different number of neurons per hidden layers)
must be evaluated, till the right structure is found.
The simulation of the neural network produces the output. The
usual realization is the pixel-wise method. This means that the
network gets its inputs pixel by pixel. The second possible way
uses the matrix arithmetic, which is one of the most powerful
tools in Matlab. The matrix algorithm gives amazing
computation speed. Comparing to the pixel-wise solution, the
second method is 197 times faster. This measure was reached in
the classification of 10 000 pixels. The more optimal and final
implemented solution gets pixel blocks, computes the output for
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 141