Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Barsi, Arpad 
Figure 13. Thematic map produced by considering PCA 
and the 4-neighborhood 
Figure 14. Thematic classification taking PCA 
and 8-neighborhood into consideration 
The distribution of the classes is compared in Table 5. 
(Abbreviation N is for neighborhood.) 
% % 
Class 4-N 8-N 
F1 19.2 18.6 
F2 10.8 8.2 
MI 9.8 7.9 
M2 28.2 26.2 
U 252 33.5 
W 6.9 6.2 
Table 5. Comparison of the classes for the combination of PCA 
and 4- and 8-neighborhood 
Two classes (E2 and W) are almost the same as the original, E1 
and R1 have slightly more pixels. The most changes are in class 
U, which is about the half of the original and the three times 
greater R2 class. 
The comparison of all designed neural networks can be seen on 
a zoomed detail of the map. The detail shows a part of the 
original satellite image, where urban (U), meadow (M) and 
water (W) classes are common. 
a) original image detail 
b) classification by the original 
c) classification by the PCA 
transformed bands 
d) classification with 
e) classification with 
f) classification with PCA and 
g) classification with PCA and 
Figure 15. Comparison of all networks on the same detail 
The experimental project has proved that artificial neural 
networks could be designed and successful trained for managing 
LANDSAT TM satellite image. Especially the two generally 
used image processing tools were studied, namely the principal 
component analysis with the connecting image transformation 
and the neighborhood. 
The chosen project area is covered by forest, meadow, urban 
and water classes. In most cases two subtypes were 
distinguished. The neural networks require adequate training 
and test sets, which were prepared carefully. The training data 
were applied for the definition of the right network structure and 
the corresponding network parameters. The test set aimed the 
quality control of the work. 
146 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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