Boine, Judith
Gum, tom * a, TC uet a, TC S a, (4)
b, = =b,, + e x Au * COS 8 LA (5)
ay absorption of water [m !]
da40nm absorption of yellow substance at 440 nm
av" specific absorption of yellow substance [nr]
C nia concentration of chlorophyll a [ugI! ]
aph* specific absorption of phytoplankton [m?mg ‘1
er concentration of tripton [mgI' ]
an" specific absorption of tripton [m?g '! ]
bow backscattering coefficient of water [m™]
Dppn* specific backscattering coefficient of phytoplankton [m2mg *]
bp" specific backscattering coefficient of tripton [m?g ! ]
3.2 Determination of the backscattering coefficient
The total backscattering coefficient could not measure directly. For this reason it will be determine by change of
equation (3) (Lindell et al. 1999).
R(0+)* a
! QI RO") S
The backscattering coefficient of water and phytoplankton were taking at the Excel program Biopti of Hoogenboom
(without year). From this follows with equation (5):
b,,, =b, boa 7 Don (8)
Refer to Lindell et al. (1999) specific backscattering coefficients were determined through:
* b, h
C MZ (9)
* b tr
b,, = T | Q0)
| We thanks Arnold Dekker and Erin Hoogenboom for the use of the Excel program Biopti.
200 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.
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