Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Boine, Judith 
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specific backscattering of tripten bi [mg] 
Sec e m recon cn e ntm tmm qs e ne nn sn Re ge ne MO SU rn Me SACR Ne ww con ee iR 0 a 
i 3 i 
iO a" 510 550 E ES FE 750 an Ben 
wavelength [nm] 
: Figure 2. Specific backscattering of tripton in mining lakes 
4.3 Modelling of reflectance spectra 
The modelling of reflectance spectra R(0+) was made into the four groups and was calculated after equation (3) with the 
introduced absorption and backscattering spectra. Each group is characterised by the pH value and percentage content 
of inorganic suspended matter (Table 1). 
Inorganic acid Organic acid Inorganic neutral Organic neutral 
pH value «S «s OS HS 
, Percentage content of « 40 96 D 4096 « 40 96 040 % 
inorganic suspended matter 
Table 1. Classification of mining lakes by means of pH value and percentage content of inorganic suspended matter 
Figure 3 shows one sample per type of mining lakes of modelled and measured reflectance spectra R(0+). The 
correlation between the measured and modelled reflectance spectra is very high. 
12 — R(0+) measured - inorganic neutral lakes OC R(ü-) modelled - inorganic neutral lakes 
— R(0+) measured - inorganic acid £3 Riü-) modelled - inorganic acid 
—R(0+) measured - organic acid © RiD+) modelled - organic acid 
10 + — R(0+) measured - organic neutral A R(0+) modelled - organic neutral 
reflectance R()«) [%] 
700 750 500 850 
wavelength [nm] 
Figure 3. Modelled and measured reflectance spectra of mining lakes 
202 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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