Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Castaldini, Doriano 
Bérod, D.D., Singh, V.P. & Musy, A., 1999. A geomorphologic kinematic-wave (GKW) model for the estimation of 
floods from small alpine watersheds. Hydrological processes, 13, pp. 1391-1416. 
Bentura, P.L.F. & Michel, C., 1997. Flood routing in a wide channel with a quadratic lag-and-route method. 
Hydrological Sciences, 42(2), pp. 169-185. 
Castaldini, D. & Pellegrini, M., 1989. A Review of the flow regulation systems on the Secchia and Panaro Rivers 
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Din. Quat., II, pp. 35-39. 
Castaldini, D. & Piacente, S., 1999. Evolution of the Rivers Secchia and Panaro in the Po Plain in the 19th and 20th 
centuries (Modena Province, Northern Italy) . Rio 99 Regional Conference on Geomorphology, July 17-22, 1999, Rio 
de Janeiro (Brazil) Abstract, p.25. 
Chang, F.J. & Hwang, Y.Y., 1999. A self-organization algorithm for real time flood forecast. Hydrological processes, 
13, pp. 123-138. 
Chow , V.T., Maidment, D.R. & Mays, L.W., 1988. Applied hydrology. McGraw-Hill. 
Dunne, T., 1988. Geomorphologic contributions to flood control planning. In: Baker, V.R., Kochel, R.C. & Patton, P.C. 
(eds), Flood Geomorphology. John Wiley & Sons. Chpt. 25, pp. 421-438. 
Estrela Monreal, T., 1999. Modelo GISPLANA: aplicación de un SIG al análisis de inundaciones en planas costeras. In: 
Laín Huerta, L. (ed.), Los sistemas de información geográfica en los riesgos naturales y en el medio ambiente. Instituto 
tecnológico GeoMinero de Espaíía, pp. 35-46. 
Franchini, M. & Galeati, G., 1997. Comparing several genetic algorithm schemes for the calibration of conceptual 
rainfall-runoff models. Hydrological Sciences. 42(3), pp. 357-379. 
Gasperi, G., Cremaschi, M., Mantovani Uguzzoni, M.P., Cardarelli, A., Cattani, M. & Labate, D., 1989. Evoluzione 
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Gilvaer, D.J. & Black, A.R., 1999. Flood-induced embankment failures on the River Thay: implications of climatically 
induced hydrological change in Schotland. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 44(3). 
Góppert, H., Ihringer, J., Plate, E.J. & Morgenschweiss, G., 1998. Flood forecast model for improved reservoir 
management in the Lenne River catchment, Germany. Hydrological Sciences, 43(2), pp 215-242. 
Idroser, 1988. Piano di bacino idrografico del fiume Panaro. Fase conoscitiva. Relazione generale. Parte I. Ministero di 
lavori pubblici Magistrato per il Po, Parma. Rapporto interno, 195 pp. 
Jiang, S., 1998. Application of stochastic differential equations in risk assessment for flood releases. Hydrological 
Sciences 43(3). pp 349-360. 
Kundzewicz, Z.W., 1999. Flood protection-sustainability issues. Hydrological sciences, 44 (4), pp. 559-571. 
Kundzewicz, Z.W. & Takeuchi, K., 1999. Flood protection and management: quo vadimus? Hydrological sciences, 44 
(3). pp. 417-432. 
Meigh, J.R., Farquharson, F.A.K. & Sutcliffe, J. V., 1997. A worldwide comparison of regional flood estimation 
methods and climate. Hydrological Sciences, 42 (2). pp. 225-244. 
Moratti, L., 1988. Rischi da alluvione derivante dai fiumi Secchia, Panaro ed affluenti. Atti Conv. «La protezione civile 
nelle aree ad alto livello produttivo», 23 Aprile 1988, Modena, pp. 11-15. 
234 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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